Monday, October 31, 2011

Occupy Movement - Lightworker Preparations 1

Arcturian Group – Those of the “Occupy” Movements are Expressing the Energy of the New Consciousness

Arcturian Group

By Marilyn Raffaele, October 30th 2011

We are here dear ones, to again welcome you to a new day of change and transformation. Things on your beloved planet are heating up with regard to the old energy being transformed into new and better ways of serving the people, by the people and for the people. This concept has been lost to many and is now returning as your growing light illumines its journey back into the human consciousness.

You have played the game long enough, it is time now to remember. The journey of awakening while within the dark was a fine game–although often very traumatic and painful, but through its harsh lessons of separation you have journeyed to remembrance and to the recognition of what and who you are. The game was not meant to last forever. It is time now to let all that is old and finished release.

Many of you are experiencing pain and frustration within your physical and emotional bodies. This is a part of the process; the clearing of all that is of a lower resonance, for you cannot take it with you into the new and higher energies. Comfort your bodies as you may, but do not be overly concerned for it is a part of the journey dear ones, to let go, release, and finally clear all that is finished and of the old. Traumatic events of many lifetimes stay locked within cellular memory. Perhaps that pain in your leg has to do with a cellular memory from the 1500′s when you were run over by a cart. You see, the cells remember; you bring into each lifetime the state of consciousness attained from previous lifetimes. Send the cells of your physical body light and tell them that they will never need to experience the events of the past again, for it is finished.

Clearings will frequently access the weakest point within the physical body to release energy, as it is a conduit so to speak, and you may wonder why there is this ongoing pain in a leg or a hand etc. etc. You say; ”Nothing that I do seems to ease it”. Well dear ones your body is simply using this area for its release point for whatever you are clearing. If you do not wish this, simply state that you choose to release in a different, more gentle and easy way. You are the “boss” of you. Over lifetimes in separation energy, humans have come to believe that they are powerless; realize now that you are God beings having a human experience and through that awareness take back your power.

Your words and thoughts are very powerful and have become even more powerful as your resonance has evolved. Be careful what you wish for, say, or think, for as light beings you are creators. Not understanding this, you wonder why certain events manifest into your lives. Begin to think and live in truth at all times. When you do, karma is no longer valid. At this point you begin to meet your lessons with truth instead of karma. Do not judge by appearances, but simply understand that appearances are the manifestation of the human belief system. You will always see pairs of opposites in the third dimension, for it is an energy of duality and separation. As you grow more into a consciousness of One, the outer will reflect this and manifestations will be of a higher level.

There are more earth clearings to come. Be not afraid, for this is a part of Gaia’s cleansing in her journey to ascension. Gaia is aware of the pain some of these events cause but is unable to do her own ascension without some changes and clearings. Be not afraid dear ones for all that experience these things were aware of it before incarnation and gave permission. Often these events are massive clearings of personal or group karma which is then forever finished.

Those of the “occupy” movements are expressing the energy of the new consciousness. Not all understand that this is what it is, but they are experiencing and expressing the need for a return of their power, of mankind’s inherent right as spiritual beings to experience abundance and peace. This is a sign that the earth is being permeated with the higher frequencies of light. All are experiencing this, and moving to take back their power in ways they understand according to their attained state of consciousness. You have seen much change in the Middle East, and you will see much more. This is to be a powerful year of change for many.

There are events coming which we cannot share with you at this time, but we say stay centered in truth at all times. Do not go into fear for you are being guided and watched over lovingly by millions of light beings as well as your brothers and sisters from evolved planets of light. Be not afraid when you see us make an appearance. Do not go into fear when the falsehoods given to you as truth by those in power began to tumble down for there is much to be revealed about your past as well as your present. Those who have taken by force your rights will have much to answer for and their games cannot continue in the new light.

Trust your intuition always, and because you are aware of what is happening, you can be of great help to those who as of yet do not understand. You will become the teachers when the revelations come to be. That is why at this time you must work on your own journey, strengthening your inner awareness and growth through meditation and practice. You will then have a full tool box with which you can help those who come behind, ready for the shifting energies, but having no idea of what is taking place. Those who have given their power to the government, churches, and others, will find themselves floundering in confusion and that is when you will step in and say; “Be not afraid…”
Do not try to give your pearls to those who do not want them. This is very important, for all have free will choice as to when and how they wish to evolve.

There are many who still require third dimensional experiences before they are ready to move higher. All have choice and all are being guided. It is the human ego that tries to “save” everyone, believing that there is only one way and it is their way. Do not fall into this trap as many already have. That freedom you wish for yourself, must be extended to all others, regardless of how plainly you can see where they stumble. Your job is simply to “be there” when and if they indicate a desire for more. You can offer suggestions, but do not get into their energy and let it go if they choose to stay where they are. This is the practice of compassion versus sympathy. Give the best you have, which may simply be recognizing their light and saying nothing. You will be busy.

We finish with telling you that you are doing a fine job of it. Do not think you have to perform this or that, recite this mantra or that, stand this way, chant this chant, or do anything. Stand in the light of truth, and rest in the realization that you are now, always have been, and always will be One with the Divine, and any teaching contrary to this is simply false. This is Divine Law.
In love, we are the Arcturian Group.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

11-11-11 Catch The Love Wave

On to the 11-11-11 Stargate, the Great Wave of Love!

Compiled by Steve Beckow: The 2012 Original article:

We’ve now passed through the first of three important 2011 dates: Oct. 28, 2011. Our attention now goes to the second: Nov. 11, 2011, which Archangel Michael calls the second triple stargate and SaLuSa calls the “love wave.” (1) What do our sources say about the nature, impact, and opportunity of this important event?

What is the 11-11-11 Stargate?

Archangel Michael explains what we can expect on 11-11-11.

“Beloved family of Light, this is a great moment in the Transformation of Planet Earth and the establishment of the New Earth and the Golden Age of Peace and Love. You have reached the Time Portal, or Stargate, that is called 11/11/11, on the 11th of November 2011. It represents a ‘Cosmic Moment’ of Global Awakening and Unity, and the Moment when the ‘Light Codes’ or ‘Cosmic Codes’ of Renewal are received into the Crystalline grids of the Earth. The Reception of the Codes of Renewal will again accelerate the frequencies of the Earth Hologram, allowing for Reconnection with the Seventh Dimension of Consciousness, as the Planet continues on her Journey into the Divine Heart of Multi-Dimensional Consciousness.

“It is indeed a Moment of Joy and Celebration.”

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles discusses some of the changes happening on that day to the Earth.
“The events of 11-11-11 will be multifaceted and multidimensional, but one of the most significant events involves a quantum shift in Earth’s Crystal Grid System. This is the system that functions within the body of Mother Earth in the same way Humanity’s Chakras, acupuncture meridians, and acupuncture points function in our bodies. The Crystal Grid System is the vehicle through which the Light of God is flowing to increase the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of precious Life energy existing on Earth. This is the system through which Earth’s Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Infinite Light is being victoriously accomplished.”

The Pleiaidian High Council suggest that this stargate will bring important advancements to wayshowers or lightworkers as well. The PHC refer to this event as an “inception.”
“We, like you, can feel the pulsing energies of convergence building around your sphere and we are just so delighted at what each of you, the new earth guardians, are about to experience in yourselves, and witness in each other. …

“The moment that each of you have been waiting for, the moment that we have termed ‘inception’ is approaching. This is heralded by the massive energies precipitated by the opening of the 11:11 stargate portal on 11/11/11. What this means for the way-showers is monumental, for it is this group who will be physically laying the template on earth for all other inhabitants to follow.”

Lauren Gorgo gives added detail on the expected changes to our templates and bio-circuitry:
“Our bio-circuitry is adjusting to incorporate and adapt to the new codes we are already receiving from the upcoming 11:11 stargate portal. The emanations sent forth by the great central sun are encoding our biology with new mandates, new directives.”

The Great Love Wave

SaLuSa calls this massive energy influx “the Love Wave” and says of it:
“There is no doubt that not only time is continuing to speed up, but events important to the necessary changes are also reaching a climax. It bodes well for the immediate period which is highlighted by the Love Wave of 11.11.11. …

“There is a beautiful Light spreading across the Earth that is linking many groups, that are in turn attracting more people. Where some have been unaware of the confrontation between the dark and the Light, there is a stirring within and many are now awakening. That will be helped forward by the powerful surge of energy that 11.11.11 will bring to you all, including Mother Earth.”

On another occasion, he told us that “the Light energies … are ever increasing and bringing calmness to you. They will be growing more powerful by the day, and 11.11.11 will bring about a great leap forward that many will actually experience.”

Through Celia, Archangel Michael said that, as we headed towards 11-11-11, we were “preparing to enter into the first full cycle of Fifth-Dimensional Reality.” He saw these as grand occasions and told us: “Beloved Ones, you are all invited to be present at the Grand Ceremonies of Inauguration of the New Earth Reality on the 11/11/11, the 12/12/12 and the 21/12/12.”

The Impact of the Great Love Wave

SaLuSa told us in late October that, as a result of “the expected energy surge with the coming of 11.11.11 there will definitely be an upliftment, and it remains to be seen how far it goes.” On other occasions, he predicted a “big increase in levels of consciousness” and “a sudden upliftment.” He said that this was important “for the outworking of the final needs to achieve success. It can no longer be delayed and you shall be aware of its commencement.”

The Galactic Federation through Blossom Goodchild also give us a little background on the energetic impact of the energies of 11-11-11. They remind us that these energies are part of periodic packages that are arriving over time for us to assimilate.

“What is to come about in the coming days is a transference of energy that will have you ‘boggled’. You cannot NOT be affected by these ‘waves’ … for they ride on a strength that you will certainly consider to be ‘fruitful’. It shall seem to the physical self of great surges of energy filling the body. It will heighten the senses and can be applied to engage in a deeper form of meditation should the recipient so choose. …

“The energies that are … flowing in shall reside and fluctuate in and around your planet for an exact period of time . The energy is participating in its glory as it assists mankind to rise. When this particular ‘batch’ has infiltrated … then things shall quieten again for a time until it is deemed necessary for the next arrival.”

Lauren Gorgo also reviewed the impact the 11-11-11 energies will have on us.

“Overall, I am hearing that the 11:11 will bring in some robust energies that, depending on where we are on our journey, will either catapult us to freedom or bring us to a new dimension of awareness. In all cases it will be the next level of our personal evolutionary development and this means the biological aspects will need to be addressed…whether we are ascending into an angelic-human or not. Experience has taught us that any energy blast or major portal opening will mean more rest, relaxation and downtime is required. No one looks forward to that but at least we are so beat up by now that its nearly impossible to resist any more. I guess we have that going for us…which is nice.”

SaLuSa predicted that 11-11-11 “might well be the first time that many of you will actually experience a lifting up.”

“It is another reason that your destiny is assured, and illustrates just how much help you are being given. It could be looked upon as the real commencement of Ascension, and as the trigger for many more events planned to carry you forward.”

“It will be the commencement of a new period that will bring more changes in your levels of consciousness. It will continue and put you well on the path to Galactic Consciousness. After all, you are great Beings of Light that are re-claiming your rightful place in the Cosmos. Our task is to see that you do so, and we are about to open up the final pathway to Ascension and beyond.”
Many of us will see our psychic abilities begin to unfold after 11-11-11, SaLuSa says:

“The next key time will be 11.11.11 that can be looked upon as a high point, when some of you will become more psychic and sensitive to the energies around you. For some of you your telepathic abilities will become active, and you will find that you can communicate with both humans and animals.”

In the face of this “great wave of love and joy [that will] sweep over the world,” SaLuSa says, “ barriers between people will quickly come down.” (18) The effect of it on us should help the cause of world peace, he says.

“That elusive world peace should be a lot nearer, and even now few have an appetite to continue the wars that rage at present. Behind that of course is the rising consciousness levels of the people who have stated loud and clear, that enough is enough.”

He tells us that 11-11-11 will prepare us for events that will come fast and thick after this year’s end: “You will start 2012 with an uplifted vibration resulting from 11.11.11, and the changes will come thick and fast thereafter.” (20) From 11-11-11 onward, SaLuSa tells us, “the path should get decidedly easier.”

Help Available
Lauren tells us that these energies may prove a bit challenging to some.

“The Pleiadian High Council would like for us to know that the new human apparatus is well-equipped to handle these changes. However, it may be of benefit for those of who are experiencing great difficulty to embrace the many modalities available to us to assist in easing the transition on our bods, as well as to give a much-needed boost to our emotional and mental well-being.”

She reminds us that help is available to us as we struggle through these changes.

“I am hearing some folks are having trouble assimilating to these new frequencies and for those heavily in the embodiment process, this is just a reminder that we don’t have to suffer thru these changes alone…that help is available should you need it. The PHC say that there are many people here specifically to support us thru these changing times, and that if we don’t utilize these gifts and offerings that we may be robbing ourselves of a great opportunity to not only survive these changes, but to thrive in them. The physical body needs care and nurturing as it is being resurrected into a body of light, but the incoming frequencies do not need to bombard our system in the ways we are accustomed to experiencing them if we open up to the opportunity to be supported.”

As always, lightworkers have a special role to play in events around 11-11-11, as SaLuSa reminds us.

“Events are near to occurring that will immediately attract people’s attention away from the present conditions. They will inject great hope and anticipation of the better times that are soon to be brought about. Lightworkers are very important in this respect as they can help others to understand the goal that lies ahead, bringing answers to the problems that have overwhelmed them. It is therefore important that you spread your knowledge far and wide, as it will uplift those who hitherto had little or no knowledge about it. The feelings of hopelessness need to be replaced by those of hope and certainty in the future.”

To summarize, then, on 11-11-11 we pass through a triple stargate and a great love wave that will be a cosmic moment of global awakening, upliftment, and unity. At that time, the ‘light codes’ or ‘cosmic codes’ of renewal are received into the crystalline grids of the Earth. We can expect to experience massive energies and important changes to our bodies, moods and capacities.

This robust new wave will awaken people, bring new directives to us, and draw us together in our efforts to push back the cabal, free the world, and restore peace. These influxes of energy are designed to arrive in packages, allowing enough time for us to assimilate them. They may challenge some but help is available. Lightworkers will be expected to spread their knowledge far and wide among the ones in this massive influx of energy.

Related Music Video:

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Vision Alignment Project

The Vision Alignment Project 

The Vision Alignment Project
A Vision for Mercy

We envision a world where mercy has resurfaced in the collective awareness; where all fighting has stopped, all arguments resolved, all violence turned to creativity, and all vehemence transformed into love.

We see a world where soldiering is unneeded because no one wants to harm anyone else; where we’ve all realized that it is far better to help than to harm, to uplift than undo, to bless than to badger, beat, or bomb others into submission.

We see a world where all guns are holstered, all knives and swords sheathed, all weapons destroyed, dismantled, and reformed into tools for the betterment of our lives.

As a result, we see peace everywhere, and humanity, as a whole, breathing a collective sigh of relief because every person who walks this planet has stopped what they were doing long enough to put themselves in the shoes of the other; where every person knows, beyond any doubt, that we all need each other, that we are all connected to one another, and that to bring harm to another only brings harm to oneself.  And we envision our hearts open and our minds unfettered and creative now that our bodies are safe because we have learned to give mercy in all situations; to let others go free so that they can live out their entire lives without our interference or imposition.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!

You can align with this Vision by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.

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Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.


Please forward this vision to your friends so they can align with it too.

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If you have a Vision you would like to share with the world, please email it to []. Your Vision may be published here!

Mercy lets others go free ~ Tony Burroughs

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Scott Mowry: Beginning of the Golden Age

Scott Mowry: October 28, 2011: The Beginning of the Golden Age and the Emancipation of the Human Race

October 28, 2011: The Beginning of the Golden Age and the Emancipation of the Human Race

Mayan Calendar completes all nine levels of consciousness as the world rejoices!
Scott Mowry, October 14, 2011

After 16.4 billion years, we are literally days away from completing the nine levels of consciousness of the Mayan calendar. And what a journey it has been for our beloved planet Earth and the human race.

On October 28, 2011, the ninth and final level of consciousness will have been fulfilled, and the Earth will end its third-dimensional evolutionary progression to begin transforming herself into a fifth-dimensional existence where an entire “new Earth” will be born into being.

This will mark the beginning of the long prophesied Golden Age for the human race where life will become the most magical magnificent and beautiful it has ever, ever been. For some of us, it is about time!
This entire process has been orchestrated under a master grand plan by the Divine, or the higher realms of light, to save the Earth and its people from destroying their home planet and themselves.

The new Earth scenario became the only plausible solution to rescue humanity from eons of war, violence, strife, conflict, fear and most particularly, karma, without directly interfering with its free will nature. This whole transformation has been made possible through a coordinated plan of raising the frequencies of the present Earth by implanting volunteer souls from across the universe within the fabric of humanity.

It became necessary to place these volunteer souls to perform their work from the inside so as not to violate the Earth’s condition of non-interference, a dictate that has not always been honored by outside forces.

Thankfully, this plan has proven to be highly successful and now it has been confirmed that the outlook for humanity and the Earth is extremely bright!


It is clearly evident now, that our world has begun the transformation from darkness and secrecy to one of light and openness. Bit by bit, piece by piece, the real truth of the human race is being revealed to us each and every day.

Soon this trickle of truth will open into a flood and overcome everything it is path. There will be no stone left unturned when it comes to revealing the truth. Whether it is dealing with government, banking, economics, religion, military, health care, education, technology, extra-terrestrials and the very essence of life itself.

In turn, everything in your life will also be transformed for the better.

Why now? Because, quite frankly, we can handle the truth. As little as ten years ago, many people around the world wouldn’t have been able to comprehend the magnitude of this situation without a whole lot of shock and disbelief. But now, with so much blatant corruption by governments, politicians, religious leaders, bankers and media outlets, many people are finally ready for a higher way of living. And we can thank expanding consciousness for that!

More and more evidence is coming to light that the current so-called economic crisis afflicting our country, and the entire world, appears to be nothing more than a carefully conceived ponzi scheme to divert trillions upon trillions of dollars to international bankers. It was instituted with the ultimate goal of destroying the middle class in order to create a small, wealthy elite ruling class supported by an enslaved, majority working class.

All of these evil plans were part of the so-called New World Order agenda, which was meant to lock down the Earth under a state of total, brutal enslavement.

However, those plans have been foiled. And they have been foiled in the most magnificent way possible!

Instead, America is about to experience a series of deja vu episodes as we will revisit the period of the 1960′s when weekly protests, sit-ins, student demonstrations and other forms of revolt were the norm.

Get ready –– because the revolution is coming to a town or city near you! The sleeping giant has finally awoken.

The good news is that people across the United States and the world are finally waking up to the realization that there has been a vast network of control based upon secrecy around money (international banking) and power (secret societies). Hence, we are seeing protests such as the Occupy Wall Street movement centered in New York City, which has spread to numerous other national and international locations.

However, it is important to realize ultimately this will not be a violent revolution, but one that will unify the world as one under the common ideal of –– love.

In the meantime behind the scenes, nations are uniting against this New World Order agenda in unprecedented numbers. A war of unparalleled significance is waging nearly out of public view and with little media coverage.
Yet, we have been able to see some visible signs of this war literally bubbling up to the surface with what appeared to be a series of unusual earthquakes near Washington, DC and southern Colorado on the fateful day of August 23, 2011. Insiders such as Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock and others are reporting that these were not natural earthquakes but rather the aftershocks from the destruction of deep underground military bases (DUMB’s) that were situated under our nation’s capital and in the mountains of Colorado.

The bases were destroyed by a collection of white hat/good guys from the military/Pentagon, CIA and other intelligence operatives, along with perhaps assistance from benevolent ET’s. The quake was felt as far north as Toronto, Canada and as far south as the state of South Carolina, yet no significant damage or loss of life was reported.

In an amazing twist of irony, cracks appeared at the top of the Washington Monument, which harkened back to an episode of last season’s NBC show, “The Event” where hostile ET’s blew up the monument as a way to threaten the US government.
“The Event” foreshadowing?

As in any war, its conclusion is still an unknown. We can be absolutely certain, however, that the evil cabal agenda is doomed to lose and victory for the people of Earth is at hand. It is only a matter of time now.

At the very core of this war is the battle for control of the world’s economic system, in particular the Federal Reserve and US dollar, which have been the primary tools of our modern day virtual prison. Once this battle has been won, which could come at any time now, humanity will finally be truly free.

What needs to happen next is for the protesters to turn their attention to the City of London and Vatican City, where the head of the snake can be found. The City of London, (a separate country within London proper and England) is the head of the financial control of the world, while Vatican City is the head of the spiritual control.
Washington DC, on the other hand is the head of the military control and together these three countries within countries, (or city states) are known as the Empire of the City. This network is the method by which humanity has been ruled over for the last 200 years or more. (For more details, read our review of the film “Ring of Power”.)
Three Cities Rule The World
Want more evidence? In the last three years alone, UFO sightings are up 67% which clearly indicates there are a tremendous amount of extra-terrestrials poised to assist us, if they are not already. Couple that fact with yet another breathtaking wave of crop circles found in southern England during the season of 2011, signalling a new Earth is about to be born.

Yes, the signs are everywhere and you barely need to look for them anymore!


In many ways, it appears as if the world we have grown accustomed to is falling apart before our very eyes. Each and every day, some new scandal or revelations appear daily in our newspapers, television screens and internet news sites.

Whether it be some politician, government official, banker, religious leader, athlete, Hollywood actor or any other well know public figure, there is a never ending litany of exposure.
All of these scandals are causing many to become despondent and depressed about our world while others react with fear and paranoia. Still more are angered and motivated to get up off their couch and begin to change the status quo.

It is vitally important, however, that we keep a healthy perspective on this entire process.
Essentially, what we are witnessing is the total collapse of a false paradigm. This is a paradigm that was based upon fraud, deceit, lies and obfuscation from its very inception. This false paradigm was meant to benefit a few controllers at the expense of the many.

It was designed to enslave the overwhelming majority of humanity in a totally artificial and corrupt reality. For hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years, this false paradigm has served those in control quite handsomely. As well as, those who dominate over us who are not necessarily all terrestrial humans, but other unseen entities from the fourth dimensional plane.

Therefore, it was absolutely inevitable this false paradigm would eventually collapse. It simply had no sustainability. It had no solid foundation. It was doomed for failure.

What has caused this collapse is expanding consciousness which in turn has propelled many individuals to begin to truly question the proclamations from the powers that be and then ask themselves – is there something better?

As this false paradigm continues to rapidly self-destruct, it will eventually become nothing more than a heap of smoldering ruins. In fact, it is highly likely that our 3-D world may look rather ugly as the false paradigm comes crashing down around us.

However, what will emerge from the rubble will be the most glorious, most amazing and most brilliant world one could possibly envision. In fact, even more glorious than we can even imagine at this point in time.

The very reason this false paradigm has been sustainable for such an interminably long period of time is that it relied on no one figuring out what was really going on. Due to our low level of consciousness, all the dirty little secrets were easily hidden in the haze and fog of darkness.
Everything from the understandings of our true spiritual nature, extra-terrestrial life, the history of the human race, the multi-dimensional aspects of life to more modern false flag operations like 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, Hurricane Katrina, etc. are all of highly suspect origin and intentions.

Basically, this false paradigm had been built upon one very basic negative, human emotion –– fear. Fear has kept us anesthetized and paralyzed us from moving forward in our evolution. Fear has even robbed us our connection to our Divine creator. And we only have ourselves to blame.

Yet another manufactured aspect of this false paradigm is the idea of scarcity. The notion that we don’t have enough, that there is not enough to go around. Resources such as food, energy, oil, money, land and even spiritual sustenance have been tightly controlled to make us believe there is limited amount. When, in point of fact, God’s universe is infinitely abundant and always has been!
In the coming months and weeks, expect to see a lot of weird and bizarre developments to unfold as this false paradigm begins its accelerated breakdown. Many services, institutions and government agencies we have come to rely upon, may simply no longer be there or will be found to be inoperable.

Many large corporations that controlled certain industries such as media, energy, food, medicine, law enforcement and others may go completely bankrupt. Other companies may be completely taken over and drastic reform measures will be instituted to make them more favorable for humanity. Still others may dismantled altogether, never to be seen on planet Earth again!
Expect to see an outpouring of films, documentaries, ancient secrets, sacred knowledge, government insiders and whistle-blowers to emerge from nowhere that will prepare humanity for the long suppressed truth of our world. In fact, it has already begun and will intensify in the coming months.
Our society will be given, or come to realize on its own, that the solutions to many problems are readily at hand and will be initiated at a very rapid rate. The amount of change we will see in the next five years will be unparalleled as we move into ever higher states of consciousness.

Our common manifesto will become, “all for one and one for all” like never before.

The Day After

After October 28, 2011, we will enter the period the Mayans called, “the time of no time.” In other words, we will begin to leave this third-dimensional plane where time is measured and followed to enter into a fifth-dimensional plane where time simply does not even exist. This is the world where we will learn to become timeless!
How exciting is that?

Soon we will begin to see wave after wave after wave of people achieving the state of enlightenment. This process will have a snowball effect on others who will in turn obtain enlightenment, as well.
Eventually, the entire human race will reach the state of enlightenment where we will all live in a perpetual world of magic and miracles.

In tandem, humanity will finally come to the realization that we are all one and that we always have been and always will be one. The separation that we have felt from one another and from God, or the Divine, has been nothing more than another false paradigm meant to divide and conquer us.

As we leave the month of October, humanity will undergo the most rapid evolution/revolution ever, in order to prepare us for the long awaited Golden Age set to kick into high gear during the magical year of 2012.
It is important to recognize that 2012 is only the start of this process and it will not be an instantaneous transformation. Your life my look relatively the same depending on how much you are able to embrace the very idea of this transformation. The more you personally believe in a higher existence for yourself, the more you will experience it.

Now that human consciousness is about to reach a pinnacle point in its collective evolution, we are poised for all the great secrets of life to come pouring forth like rays from the Sun. It is about to get tremendously exciting to live upon planet Earth, without a doubt!

As the light pours forth from this planet, it is illuminating every dark corner of the globe, insuring that no dark secrets will ever be able to exist upon the Earth ever again. That act alone will free humanity forever!

Rest assured, an enormous effort has gone into saving us from ourselves. Our world simply had to change or face utter extinction. And this simply could not be allowed to happen.

Now, instead of a world of chaos, despair and apocalypse, we have the choice of a brand new, higher consciousness world where humanity will live in 1,000 years of peace. Never in the history of the universe has an entire planet been given this kind of an opportunity. We are so blessed.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at that final hour.

Our prayers have been answered. Our time has come. Our Heaven on Earth has been found.

Let the Golden Age begin! Long live the Golden Age!

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lord Metatron - 11-11-11 Meditation

Energy Wave Transitions by Archangel Metatron

Channelled through Natalie Glasson, 22 Oct 2011

My purpose of coming forward to you today was to remind you of the previous energy waves which have been anchored, at this time there is a need for you to realign with these energies in a process of completing the lessons and teachings that they have shared so that you may then move forward with ease. It will assist in creating a more complete embodiment in preparation for the 11-11-11 activation.

This activation will be the most powerful yet and so there is a need for your energies to be strong and to make sure that you have received all the necessary wisdom from the past energy waves. I feel that each energy wave still has wisdom to share with each of you. You have grown so much over the years and so the teachings that they will share with you may be different or of a greater more expansive understanding. It is true that some of the qualities still need to be integrated deeper into your reality to achieve a more complete embodiment.

I wish to share with you an invocation which can be used to achieve this integration effectively.

‘Beloved Archangel Metatron, I understand that you are leader of ascension at this time so I draw your energies, consciousness and soul closer to me now to assist, support and aid my ascension process on the Earth. Please surround me in your loving high vibrational energies.

(Breathe in Archangel Metatron’s light)

I ask that you send your light throughout my entire being so that I may be cleansed of negative energies, fears, stagnant energy, unneeded habits and belief systems to prepare my being for accepting light.

(Sit and allow this to occur)

Archangel Metatron, I wish to connect with only the needed and essential energies from each energy wave that will benefit and enhance my current spiritual growth process. Please draw forward the 08-08-08 energy wave and anchor the most appropriate energies of the highest vibration into my being. Let me experience the love and abundant energies of this energy wave, with the teachings and consciousness that is appropriate for me to accept.

(Sit and imagine the energy wave connecting with your crown chakra at the top of your head and flowing through your chakra column and into the Earth, focus on collecting the energy within your heart chakra)

I ask Archangel Metatron and the 08-08-08 energy wave to demonstrate to me the wisdom or insights I need to understand now. I know that the energies are integrating with my being and if this is all that is needed at this time then this is perfect also.

(Sit in acceptance)

Archangel Metatron I call upon you to anchor the most appropriate energies, qualities and wisdom of the highest vibration from the 09-09-09 energy wave into my being now. Let it flow down my chakra column and into the Earth as I focus on collecting the energy within my heart chakra.

(Sit and experience)

I ask Archangel Metatron and the 09-09-09 energy wave to share with me now the necessary wisdom and insights that I need to enhance my spiritual advancement on the Earth.

(Sit in acceptance)

Archangel Metatron I call upon you to anchor the most appropriate energies, qualities and wisdom of the highest vibration from the 10-10-10 energy wave into my being now. Let it flow down my chakra column and into the Earth as I focus on collecting the energy within my heart chakra.

(Sit and experience)

I ask Archangel Metatron and the 10-10-10 energy wave to share with me now the necessary wisdom and insights that I need to enhance my spiritual advancement on the Earth.

(Sit in acceptance)

Archangel Metatron please let these energy waves merge as one energy within my being awakening and activating new wisdom and consciousness from my soul.

(Allow yourself to simply focus upon your heart chakra and soul allowing the integration and activation to occur)

There is much wisdom and insights to be gained from this process; you may feel the energies and inspiration unfolding over the few days after the meditation. This meditation can be practiced as often as you feel necessary before 11-11-11 and beyond if it feels appropriate.

With much love at this special time,

Archangel Metatron

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Charting a Course for the New World

Charting a Course for the New World

Maurice Turmel PhD

Scrap all the old methods of evolution and growth and realize the new is coming at us with all the force of a runaway train, bearing down on us with - A new way of Being - A new way of Seeing - A new way of Sensing, and - A new way of playing.

Open your hearts and feel the magic. We, you and I, are opening up to ourselves and there we shall find every manner of treasure one could ever imagine. So much so, that a mere lottery win would seem pale by comparison.

What is a lottery win compared to a treasure trove of gifts that Source affords us and that one only has to imagine for them to appear. The ability to create beyond one's expectations is the essence of any magical formula, and that's what we're being served up through this gateway called Ascension.

Once that connection is made, all one has to do is summon those powers from within and they surface just as we had imagined their design. Truly momentous! Beyond the scope of ordinary thinking, 3D thinking, the dark world reality of 3rd dimensional consciousness.

Only our imagination can awaken the Giant within, that aspect of ourselves that is Divinely ordained.

We are here as souls, realizing again our journey on Earth is of the soul. The soul commands, we obey, and off we go to another reconoitre.

Once we are awakened to the new paradigm, we begin moving at our own pace, discovering the world inside and letting ourselves rise to the occasion, whatever soul requires, whatever it imagines, wherever it wants to go.

"It is night time here in Hollywood Central and we are gathered on the red capet tonight to welcome a new soul into our midst." And the crowd cheers . . . . "Here's our friend and confidante Maurice Turmel (insert your name here), who has come forward to serve up his brand of Ascension, which is brought to you by The Forces of Light and their wide array of Ascension related products." (The Forces of Light - A Family of Man Company)

Hear those bells a ringing? They are announcing a new vibration for all who are ready and concerned about their future.

For all you Lightworkers out there who are preparing to party on 11-11-11, let me say this: "The gateway is open. Step on through and claim your position as a member of The Army of Light. You have an assignment written in your heart. Declare yourself ready to read it and do so now!"

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party and the party is rockin into this new millenium, and the next, and the next, and the one after that.

We Lightworkers have arrived. This is our gateway. 11-11-11 is the key to eternal life and beyond. We shall be awash in a Tsunami of Love. This is the best time for us to be here, to move on through that all important gateway and stake our claim in the 5th dimension.

Stand up and be counted! You are a Lightworker. Get back in the game. The game is called Ascension and you're invited.

Let's Ascend together, shall we?

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Yes Virginia - Ascension is for Lovers

Ascension is for Lovers:
Maurice Turmel PhD

Being self-reliant is everything these days. It's the ultimate in expressing self-confidence, and it is the epitomy of self-love. Yes, I see it happening everywhere now. More and more of us are tuning into the Self and accessing those deep reserves of wisdom and knowledge. Whatever we need on the Ascension Path is there for us to garner.

Like you, I have my own inner store now; it may even be a warehouse. Perhaps it's the "big" warehouse where all of us Lighworkers go when we are ready to begin showing ourselves and need certain supplies to support our new life purpose.

It could be like one of those movies where a bunch of robots laying dormant in a warehouse are suddenly awakened by some pre-defined signal that turns on their energies and activates their purpose. As each of them awakens, they begin moving around the storehouse and start gathering supplies.

Most of what we need, as sleeping lightworkers who are now awakening, comes in the form of downloads. Some of these downloads are already present within and need to be activated in concert with our growing self-awareness. Additional downloads come from the big Cosmic Server that exists for all of us. This Source has everything we need as we move inward to find our way to it.

This waking part is easy enough; it's the activation part that appears to be the hardest. It means getting in front of whatever has been coming at your being - good, bad or indifferent - so you can accept it and move on past. This is what it means to become self-aware and engage the practice of self-forgiveness.

Oh yes, we are being called to do a lot of that these days - self-forgiveness - because everything we resent stands in the way of our Ascension. Whatever comes up for us, in terms of issues, regrets and past failings, have to be accepted, loved even, to finally be done with them.

Surrender - yes, surrender - another word for acceptance - which is another word for self-forgiveness - which means the end of our war with ourselves.

This is the ultimate destination - the Ascension peak - for this final round of involvement with 3D Earth. We are going to ascend without our troubles, faulty life prescriptions, karma, missed opportunities, regrets and whatever else we've been whipping ourselves with once we enter that 11-11-11 gateway. My friends, this is The Tunnel of Love that we have been approaching, and all of those old encumbrances are to be left at the entrance.

At the exit of this process lies 5D Earth, beautiful, lovely earth, with all of us aboard as her caretakers, guardians and lovers.

5D Earth is for lovers. Come one, come all, but come as a Lover and you will never suffer again.

I can't believe it when I say it, but I say it again and again until it comes true for me. I create my own reality after all, so a little preparation can help the process along and smooth out the bumps along the way. Ascension is upon us like a great grey whale seeking its next meal. We are that meal for the One who sent us out, and now we are Her nutrients as Ascension consumes us and we consume Her.

So I stay on this path and feel protected. I feel guided and nurtured by those unseen forces who coach me along, always encouraging, always loving, always supporting the cause of Ascension.

My friends, this the Cause Celebre du Jour - Ascension.

Ascension is for Lovers, just like Virginia.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ascended Masters - Ascension Never Stops

Ascended Masters: Ascension Never Stops 

Ascension Never Stops

The Ascended Masters Channeled by Wes Annac

Dearest ascending souls of Planet Earth, we are the Ascended Masters. We are but a small collective of the Infinite ascended souls present in the higher dimensions. We have spoken through the term ‘Masters’ because we, having ascended have overcome the low vibrations of duality and ‘mastered’ our own inner darkness as we grew and learned more and more.

All of you who are ascending will gain the abilities of a Master, as when you ascend a Master is exactly what you will become. We understand that many of you may assume this term a simple label, but it is much more than that. To be a Master is to truly ascend past the lower vibrations, to take control of your body and spirit complexes and to overcome the darkness that prevails in the lower dimensions. True Mastery involves enacting disciplines, becoming the Light you wish to be graced with and standing up for the Light while saying ‘No!’ to the distractions and manipulations of the lower vibrations. To ascend is to do all of these things. So you see, the term ‘Master’ is not some term of endearment or a term based in ego, every soul who has ascended past the third and fourth dimensions can be seen as an Ascended Master.
In fact, we have souls whom are even more advanced than us, whom we look up to and can refer to as Masters. Your ascension never stops dear souls, and we are in fact also growing and learning every moment as you are. Like many of you on Earth, we have assumed the role of a teacher for those who do not understand all that we do, and we also embrace the role of a student, learning more and more and expanding our own perspectives. Every soul who has been a part of Earth’s ascension, be it those on the ground or us here in the higher realms, has learned so very much from this experience. We can say that the end of ascension cycles is usually much more peaceful, as on the majority of planets in this universe and in Creation, the Light is the dominating factor.

Many of you carry memories of peaceful ascensions on other worlds in past Lives, ascensions that ran quite smoothly and happened with little difficulty. Once a soul becomes aware of ascension and decides they wish to grow and learn more, their ascension processes cannot be stopped. All of you and every soul on any other world are blessed with an infinite amount of spiritual guides. Even those on peaceful planets who are ascending obtain much help, and in fact the help is usually able to be given in the open as on other, more peaceful worlds there is nothing to stop extraterrestrials and ascended souls from being with the souls who are ascending. We do in fact help all of you who are ascending on Earth, but due to the difficult situation on Earth we must be slightly veiled with our help. It can be seen as a good thing, as many of you on Earth can have problems with faith, with staying faithful and sure that a wonderful ascension back to the realms you know as Home is in fact underway. Faith is a very big part of your ascension, as what you feel and think is created in your virtual reality that is 3D Earth.

There are many souls on your world who are completely sure that there is nothing past their current Lives. Through biased science and unconscious acts of denial, many souls have convinced themselves that the dense reality they find themselves in is the only reality that exists, and once they pass on from that reality they cease to exist. Much has been proven and will continue to be proven through emerging science on your world that will once and for all put humanity’s fear of death to rest. However, those souls who stay in denial refuse to see this evidence for what it is, and instead use every excuse they can to discredit any theory that doesn’t agree with a certain mindset, the mindset they have infatuated themselves with. Our main concern in that avenue is the fact that you do indeed create through what and how you think and feel, and since so many are convinced that death is the end, once they do pass on it will be difficult for them to find consciousness. Some of them may for a while exist in a sort of void less ‘black’ after death, a black that they will perceive as nothingness. It is much the same place you all go to when you close your eyes, but only when the pineal gland is so calcified that you are not able to perceive the ‘sparkly’ energy when closing them.

As many do not believe they are actually in their own personal spiritual space when they close their eyes, as they close their eyes they see nothing but black nothingness. This nothingness is actually what can be referred to as void less Creation with the potential for being, and it is in these sacred spaces that you can create to your Heart’s desire. Just as those who believe closing their eyes takes them nowhere, those who believe nothing comes after death will experience this nothingness until they are able to create something. Some of you may think it would not be hard to create your surroundings after death, but if one’s mindset is set on death being the ultimate end, they will be somewhat comfortable in their dark space for a short time. Once they regain awareness, they will be able to harness their Creation powers and astral planes of Living that you all return to after death. The Law of Attraction is very powerful, and even after death you will create through what you expect.

We would like to take a few moments to congratulate dearly those who are standing up for themselves by protesting the unjust and unfair actions of the one percent, the ‘service to self’ souls on your world. We have organized the events that lead to the worldwide revolutions and protests in the heavenly realms, as every event that happens on Earth is first created in the higher astral planes of Earth, then sent to manifest in your reality. This is why we continue to remind you of your Creation powers, as even when you are imagining or thinking of something, you are creating that something to be manifested on your physical plane of understanding.

Many of you who read this message have also been involved in manifesting worldwide revolutionary events while in the sleep realms. We understand that many of you may see that as a bit of a sensational or exaggerated statement, but we do not exaggerate in the slightest. All of you Lightworkers on Earth are extremely advanced ascended beings in your own respects already, you were before your ventures on Earth and you are now even stronger as you exit the final lower ascension cycle of Earth. You are all extremely exalted souls, and so very many of us actually look to your Earthly experiences for guidance in our own experiences. Earth is a very difficult planet to incarnate on, but so many of you Dear Lightworkers have undertaken this challenge and you are coming out golden!!

We would now like to clear up some of the confusion some of you have with the many different terms we use. Above we discussed the use of the term ‘Master’ in relation to our ascended nature, and we would now like to speak of the term ‘Lightworker’. Many of you think that only a few of you who are ascending are actually ‘Lightworkers’ but it is simply not so! Every single one of you who is reading these messages and becoming infatuated with spirituality and the Light are performing Lightwork, thus making you Lightworkers. Nearly everything you can do in relation to spirituality and the Light, can be and is considered Lightwork. Meditation is Lightwork. Calling on your guides to help you grow and learn is Lightwork. Informing others about your earthly ascension by starting a blog or just telling people about ascension, is Lightwork. Dear souls, we could go on forever!!

Every single one of you is a Lightworker, Ground Crew member or whatever you wish to call it. As stated above, many of you (who are) incarnate on Earth are in fact Ascended Masters, Archangels, and members of the advanced extraterrestrial races assisting Earth at this time, as well as members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We in fact did not come up with the term Lightworker, it is a term that was created by those of you on Earth but has proven to be an effective term to describe all of you who are assisting Gaia and her population in her ascension.

Many of you have found emptiness in the third dimensional things that used to make you so very happy. As a method of coping with the third dimension and the lower vibrations, many of you attached yourselves to outward, third dimensional things that brought you happiness. Many souls on your world still struggle with this distortion. You have undoubtedly heard of the souls who are addicted to drugs, food, sports, video games, etc. and those are some of the souls who have attached themselves to outward things to find happiness. The mindset on your world has been that there is nothing past the physical, and therefore happiness can only be found outwardly. Too many souls believe with all their heart that owning material things or finding physical highs are the only ways to obtain happiness, when really what is required is looking within for happiness. Happiness and Peace can only be found within, and many physical highs only serve to further cut off one’s awareness of the higher realms.

We are a small collective of an infinite amount of Ascended Masters who guide you all on Earth daily. We wish you to know that despite what you hear outwardly, ascension is in progress and you are all doing wonderfully. Without the actions of so many of you on Earth, Mother Gaia may very well have not been able to ascend. Despite the growing number of souls working for the Light on your world, there are still plenty of souls hard at work confusing people, and many souls will pose as a Lighted being with all the answers, when their true purpose is to manipulate people.

Many of the souls who do this have taken somewhat influential roles, as undertaking an influential role is the only true way to manipulate a broader range of souls. Whether it is a known soul or someone on an internet forum, we urge you all to use precise and extreme discernment with everything you read and are told. Do not simply accept something just because a soul claiming to have all the answers has said it, and we certainly wouldn’t want any of you blindly following our messages without questioning anything. Be safe in your ventures dealing with other souls, as sometimes you never know who is bent on deception. We Love you all so very much, and we wish you to tap into the higher dimensional energy we are sending you at all times.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Occupy Your Body

Occupy Your Body through Self-Acceptance

Maurice Turmel PhD

I had a hectic day yesterday. There was lots going on in terms of Personal Growth and Spiritual Alignment given this Ascension cycle we all find ourselves in.  The key event was landing in my body with a Thud!

How's that you say?


Well, you see, most of us are not living entirely in our bodies.  We exist in some suspended state, partly experiencing the physical, and partly trying to escape.  The physical can be painful, we all know that.  Those of us who hid out in fantasy images of a better place had yet to fully enter their bodies.  Why? Fear mostly.  Fear of pain, loss of control, disappointment and hurt, feelings carried over from previous lives no doubt, and in many instances, our entry into this one.

In my case it was a simple CSI investigation that revealed the reasons for my partial occupation of my physical vehicle.  I was abused as a child, that's the technical review.  What I experienced was this:  My father, who was a young parent at the time (age 20) used to frighten us children into silence when we were still in the crib.  Being the oldest, I was the first to experience this parenting approach.  He needed sleep and we were crying as babies are want to do.  So he made it a practice to startle us into silence.  It never occured to him or my mother that this might be a bad idea.

Have you ever seen a frightened baby? They exhibit the classic startle response.  They suck in their breath and lie still just as any organism would when it feels threatened.  You see this in the animal kingdom everyday.  This activity sets up a conditioned response that stays with a child for the rest of their life.  Add to this a few physical beatings along the way to age 5 and the deal is done. That child, who then becomes an adult, remains conditioned to the state of fear as the default position in their life.  "The world is dangerous and I must be vigilant."

Because of that initial application of fear and continued reinforcement through verbal and physical abuse, the soul does not enter the body completely.  It remains suspended so to speak, partly in the body, and partly in some fantasy where the world is not so scary, always vigilant though for the next attack.

You grow up looking to avoid danger, yet fall into it repeatedly, because that's what you expect. Law of Attraction at work.  Studies on abused children have shown that they would rather go home to the abusive environment than be placed in some unknown situation.  They want to stay because it is familiar, and it's all they know.

All persons and situations encountered thereafter are viewed with a modicum of suspicion.  People and events have to prove themselves harmless before we victims are willing to surrender to them. There is also an unfulfilled craving for Acceptance.  It is sought everywhere through pleasing behavior.  Most often resulting in disaster, because that's still the deeper expectation. You expect pain and loss.  You receive it.  Your theory of life being dangerous, is again confirmed.  But the craving for acceptance lingers on and never leaves.

I found my way into therapy to resolve this issue, this lack of trust, this fear of others, this constant nagging feeling of threat just a heartbeat away. After my first wife left me and took our 2 daughters I was so devastated I finally sought out professional help.  I knew I had to bring this pattern to an end.

I went even further than that.  While getting help for myself I decided I wanted to become a therapist and help others through their challenges. So, I got the training I needed and ran a successful private practice for over 15 years, until I burned out.  The problem with the cure is that I took in too much.

The road to recovery is filled with such stories. People so desperate to escape their pain, they overdue it on the recovery side.  The road to mental and emotional health is filled with such stories, people burning out trying so hard to rid themselves of that early onset pain and fear.

So yesterday, when I landed in my body with a Thud, I literally felt my feet hit the ground.  What was it that brought this result on?

The Solution: ACCEPTANCE!

Acceptance of all that you feel is the key.  This is the absolute straightest road to recovery from these effects.  Of that there is no doubt!  There are many therapeutic and healing practices available today, and there are many theories that support them.  Those that are successful all end at the same place: Self-Acceptance!

You want to be healed of your wounds?  Accept them!  Feel them!  Allow them to move through you!  You want to be rid of the frightened child within?  Accept her!  Love her!  Bring her to your bosom and comfort her!  Let her/him know you are now the caretaker and you will give her all that she needs.

She/He will balk at first.  Your frightened inner child trusts no one, including you.  Only through your commitment to bettering your life and healing those wounds will she allow you to come even close.  It takes a long time, in some cases, for a frightened and abused inner child to come to terms with your newfound good intentions.  But it will happen, be assured of that.  And you'll know the job is done by the distinctive Thud you will feel in your heart.

The key to transitioning from scared human to empowered human is Self-Acceptance.  I have spent the last 4 decades attempting to solve this riddle for myself and that is the final tally. Self-Acceptance wins all battles, those within, and those without.  That's when all those scary monsters you've been living with surrender their power to the Inner You who is now in control of your life.

Self-Acceptance means "I chose my Self."  Say that every day until you begin to believe it.  There is no other way through the morass of emotional turmoil that so many of us have been saddled with upon arrival on this planet.  Ascension is here now, available to all. Whatever road you take, Self-Acceptance spells the end of your healing journey and the beginning of your ascent to Cosmic Consciousness.

Blessings to you all on this path.

Maurice Turmel
October 20, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Process of Self-Awareness

Maurice Turmel PhD
October 19, 2011

Listen to your self. That's what you need to do. Kneel down and place your ear to the ground so you can hear the rumbling underneath, the rising of those energies from the Spirit of the Moment as it traces itself through you.

What do you feel?  How do you know? What do you trust? What are your beliefs? Are you ready to let go?

Because the Old has to go for the New to be born. You can't go ahead with those old clothes, those old hangups, those old ineffectual visions.

Get a New Vision, a New Life, a New Beginning and see your Self anew, stripped of all pretense, fear and plight; stripped of all lies, and aligned only with the truth -  The " I Am" truth, the truth that God is being born through You! How can you not savor that? Of course - you must!

Love yourself!  That's the ticket.  Love yourself enough that you never have to love yourself again. Love yourself to the endth and breadth of your existence.

Every part of you needs love.  Every moment of your life needs love.  You need love, self-acceptance and self-adherence.  Be your own Voice.  Let it dominate all others "To Thine Own Self Be True."

The truth is in the pudding.  Are you acting in alignment with your truth?  Are you acting as a reflection of God's truth?  Discuss!!!


Value added comes later when your are ready to celebrate your Soul, as you have in other areas of your life.  For me personally, that has been music.  It is where I celebrate my soul the most.  Where is your passion?  Where is your truth?  Where is your joy?  Find it and put it on a bumber sticker to your heart.  You can't fail when you follow your Bliss.

So how can you trust your self when you keep looking outside for your answers?

And my God Self answers: "I am your God Self and I live inside you.  I am You.  You are Me.  We are One and always have been.  We are reuniting after a long absence, a separation of sorts, where you went away to discover your self and now you are ready to come home again."

So who are you going to trust to guide you?  Those that claim authority and have already ruined the planet, or those that stand up to them and say "Enough!"  Where do you want to spend your energy? Do not spend your time appealing to those who don't care; take your message to those who do, to those who already live from the inside out.  They are your peers and loved ones.  They are already forming the New Earth.


Time for all of us to Pay Attention again, at the risk of learning something new.  We are going to learn how to answer our own questions.  The trick is to trust the Source, the Inner Voice, that is our truest Self.  That means turning off the outside world for a while, as they keep marching to that old 3D drummer and those sounds just keep repeating the same old refrain.  "We know better than you". That comes from religion and government mainly, but more insidiously, comes from our corporations and employers.  They are selling what's  best for them, not for you, or for the betterment of mankind or the planet as a whole.

We need to learn to listen, put our ear to the ground, interpret those energetic rumblings and rush to give them creedance for whatever purpose they serve.  They are calling to us.  They are saying "wait a minute, we've got incoming mail for you".  Open your Heart Center and that's where they deposit the latest offerings from the Giant Cosmos that is ready and willing to serve us. 

Are you with me?  Are you ready to hear your own truth?  I know I am because this message came to me last night as I was once again groping with "what to do next".  All I heard in return was "Publish, Publish, Publish - tell your own truth - that will inspire others to reveal their truth."  And in this sharing will we come together as One, because no secrets implies we are alert to one another and Love paves the way for our redress to each other.

Yes, we've heard it all before.  Your Life Purpose lies within. Of course it does.  Where else can it be?  And when we listen, with our ear to the ground, to our Heart Center, we hear the truth He has been broadcasting since day 1 - "You are Love!  You are Powerful!  You are Me incarnate! And I need you by My side as of this moment, this Now moment.  Capiche?"

So then I was instructed to take pen in hand and write the following:  "I am the author of this posting, this article, this piece of my life that is determined to shake me loose from those old mourings called "public".  My "private" is my "public".  That's who I am!

This particular shakeup is about me coming to terms with who I am.  It's autobiographical in that sense.  It's an open journal.  It's a part of me on paper.  That's where this is going. But it's your story as well.  In my profession there's a saying: "We are as sick as our Secrets".  Guess what?  Revealing ourselves is the cure.

"Do you get it?" I am being asked. Self-Disclosure!!!  It's who we are, in case you were wondering.  What else is there?  There is nothing else.  We are God. She/He works through us.  All else is irrelevant.  The more we disclose of ourselves, the stronger God becomes and we too.

Are you prepared to tell people who you are?  I am!  This is who I am and more will be coming.  I declare myself "In".  I am part of the solution, of the changes, of the shift to New World Consciousness.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!



NESARA: Is the Perfect Answer Waiting for the Right Question? 

Steve Beckow - 2012 Scenario October 18, 2011

It’s an incredible situation we’re in today and watching around us.
Citizens throughout the world are organizing first and groping second for a description of exactly what it is that they’re organizing about. People who aren’t used to discussing global issues appear to be awakening and slowly establishing what they wish to see happen. One can almost see many people moving from personal considerations to local considerations, to national, and to global, in a very short matter of time.

They’re hearing what other people are complaining about and connecting the dots.  As more and more people do so, it just may happen at some point that many people will arrive at solutions which approximate the very solution that is not only already available, but also waiting in the wings to be introduced into our lives, which we know by the name of “NESARA.”
In a sense, we’re waiting for people to ask the right question: why can’t we have an economic system that is equitable and dedicated to people rather than profits? The perfect answer to that question already exists.

NESARA is a name derived from the initials of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, an act of the United States Congress which has been passed but not proclaimed.  It has been planned for a very long time and is already assembled and waiting for the right time to be announced and introduced. The gold to back it up is in place. The rainbow currency has been created. The officers to administer it are appointed and awaiting their time to begin operations.

We are simply awaiting the defeat of the dark cabal that has been responsible for the impoverishment of the masses and the destruction of the financial system that has underpinned their operations. That defeat and destruction do not seem far off, given recent events.

I don’t plan to go into the history of it. There are other articles that do that. (1) I’d rather look at the philosophy of it.  The philosophy of it is this. NESARA is a system designed to distribute money and use the planet’s natural resources wisely and fairly.  It is a program designed to give to all citizens of Earth, without distinction, the abundance needed to see to their needs and release them from unnecessary toil, want and anxiety. Of NESARA, SaLuSa of Sirius, a spokesman for the Galactic Federation, which in concert with the Company of Light and the Earth allies is bringing in NESARA, tells us:

“As promised. within the provisions of NESARA are  virtually all of the steps necessary to reverse the established systems  that have held you back. These are necessarily far-reaching and indicate  the direction in which Humanity should have progressed.”  (2)

“Having abundance … fulfils the  promise of equality and sharing in a fair way that covers all of your  needs. This is quite different from the unabated drive to acquire as  much material wealth as possible, often at the expense of others.  Spirituality does not however require that you live as a pauper or give  up all of your possessions.”  (3)

The pressures that will lead to a complete reappraisal of our economic arrangements and the introduction of NESARA have been growing for some time and SaLuSa tells us what will result from them, contrasting our way of life with that of the more advanced beings who are behind the formulation and introduction of NESARA.

“We note that the pressures are rising for a complete financial  appraisal, with a view to introducing a totally new system. We encourage  such moves as the old one has proven to be inadequate, and not  operating to the benefit of the people. Your banking system has been  gradually eating away at your hard earned monies, and has had little  regard if any for the hardships that result from their avarice. That  power is being removed, but only a complete change will serve your real  interests and establish a fair and honest system.

“You will be recompensed, as abundance will see the return of prosperity  and a fair and equitable sharing of your wealth. You will gradually move  into a new phase of life that will be a prelude to Ascension, and bring  you nearer to the Oneness that you will enjoy.

“Dear Ones, we have no requirement for money as everything is shared, and  each souls requirements are provided to ensure they have the best  standard of life possible. When you have no such needs the quality of  life is idyllic, and allows for ample time for the pursuance of personal  interests.
“The labours of life as you now experience them will no longer exist, and  you will not toil and work your knuckles to the bone to exist. It has  only been the greed for power and wealth by the richest families in your  world, that has limited your progress towards such a society on Earth.”   (4)

The wealth that has been corraled on Earth will be reclaimed and redistributed, SaLuSa informs us.
“So many of you are experiencing difficulties in  your lives that the  Abundance Programs would help. I want to tell you  that, in the near  future, poverty will be eradicated from Earth, and  the wealth mainly  secreted away by the Illuminati will be reclaimed and  redistributed for  the good of all. Financial Institutions will be  re-modelled to cater for  a new society that has set greed and  corruption aside.”  (5)

Abundance is not something that should be enjoyed by some and not by others, he tells us.
“Abundance is your right and shall not be held from you for much longer.
“It will bring equality amongst you without taking away your individual  personality or desire to live your life in a free expression. The  drudgery of life will be removed, and you will participate in what you  choose for yourself.” (6)

Having an equitable economic system will remove all the causes for jealousy and greed, he says.
“In time the wealth of the world will be properly shared for the good of  all. Is it not a fact, that when you have sufficient for your needs a  happier and more contented society is created? Jealousy and envy [will  be] eliminated and even greed becomes unnecessary, and would certainly  be discouraged. Your present times are the result of deliberate plans by  the Illuminati, to create friction through lack and make you reliant on  them for your existence.” (7)

What are we waiting for?  SaLuSa explains:

“In the physical realms money can buy practically  anything from exotic weaponry to an individuals loyalty, and [the  Illuminati] have done so virtually unchallenged. As you will know by now  the financial state of the world is precarious and collapsing, which  will take their power base with it. Once they are seriously weakened,  through our Allies we shall make our move and ensure that they cannot  recover.”  (8)

All this is designed to aid our movement towards the planetary shift that we know as “Ascension,” as SaLuSa explains.
“It is planned to advance your civilization so that there is a natural  progression to Ascension. That which has been denied you will quickly  come into your lives, and provide the answers to the problems that  confront you now. We can address all issues so that you take a quantum  leap into the New Age.

“We share responsibility for your future just as much as you do, and  together we will have no difficulty in getting you prepared for the  wonderful and exciting times just ahead. Already you have had sufficient  information to understand the nature of them. Clearing away the result  of years of pollution is high on our list, and although the size of the  task is extremely large, with our technology it will be dealt with in  next to no time.

“The environment has to be restored as first measure to lift everyone’s  living conditions. Then shall the basic needs of the poorer people be  provided for in full measure. Contented people are happy people, and the  joys of living will be there for you all to experience.” (9)

NESARA is the way to provide for the needs of the poorer people among  us and place them in a position where they can begin preparing for  Ascension. There is no need for NESARA, no need for money after  Ascension because Fifth-Dimensional beings can create whatever they need  by the power of thought and they need much, much less.  Hunger will be  gone. Homelessness will be impossible. Environmental problems such as  droughts, flooding, etc., will not exist.  All the difficulties  associated with the world we live in will be gone.

Until then NESARA is the perfect answer waiting for the right  question. As the people of the world continue to turn away from the  economic system which has been the bane of their existence, awaken, and  deprive the world’s ruling elites of their power, we approach the day  when the question will arise that will bring with it the answer: NESARA.
For instance, see “NESARA,” at ; also:

The following are worth Googling for additional information
Nancy B. Detweiler: History of NESARA
Nancy B. Detweiler: NESARA Rights the Unthinkable Wrongs Perpetrated On the American People & the World
NESARA and 9/11
NESARA: The Financial Side of a World That Works for Everyone
SaLuSa: Massive Changes are Coming that will Provide the Answers to Present Problems
More on NESARA’s Name and Realm of Operation
Some Provisions of the NESARA Act
What is NESARA?
What is the “Abundance Program”?
Much Ado About NESARA
Saul: The New Worldwide Monetary and Financial System
SaLuSa on the Spiritual Hierarchy and NESARA
Yes, Hundreds of Trillions of Dollars are Being Stored. Gold too.
Matthew Ward: Special NESARA Edition, 2003 and 2005

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Freedom from Religion

                                                Freedom from Religion Maurice Turmel PhD As a former Catholic I can say with certainty th...