Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Charting a Course for the New World

Charting a Course for the New World

Maurice Turmel PhD

Scrap all the old methods of evolution and growth and realize the new is coming at us with all the force of a runaway train, bearing down on us with - A new way of Being - A new way of Seeing - A new way of Sensing, and - A new way of playing.

Open your hearts and feel the magic. We, you and I, are opening up to ourselves and there we shall find every manner of treasure one could ever imagine. So much so, that a mere lottery win would seem pale by comparison.

What is a lottery win compared to a treasure trove of gifts that Source affords us and that one only has to imagine for them to appear. The ability to create beyond one's expectations is the essence of any magical formula, and that's what we're being served up through this gateway called Ascension.

Once that connection is made, all one has to do is summon those powers from within and they surface just as we had imagined their design. Truly momentous! Beyond the scope of ordinary thinking, 3D thinking, the dark world reality of 3rd dimensional consciousness.

Only our imagination can awaken the Giant within, that aspect of ourselves that is Divinely ordained.

We are here as souls, realizing again our journey on Earth is of the soul. The soul commands, we obey, and off we go to another reconoitre.

Once we are awakened to the new paradigm, we begin moving at our own pace, discovering the world inside and letting ourselves rise to the occasion, whatever soul requires, whatever it imagines, wherever it wants to go.

"It is night time here in Hollywood Central and we are gathered on the red capet tonight to welcome a new soul into our midst." And the crowd cheers . . . . "Here's our friend and confidante Maurice Turmel (insert your name here), who has come forward to serve up his brand of Ascension, which is brought to you by The Forces of Light and their wide array of Ascension related products." (The Forces of Light - A Family of Man Company)

Hear those bells a ringing? They are announcing a new vibration for all who are ready and concerned about their future.

For all you Lightworkers out there who are preparing to party on 11-11-11, let me say this: "The gateway is open. Step on through and claim your position as a member of The Army of Light. You have an assignment written in your heart. Declare yourself ready to read it and do so now!"

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party and the party is rockin into this new millenium, and the next, and the next, and the one after that.

We Lightworkers have arrived. This is our gateway. 11-11-11 is the key to eternal life and beyond. We shall be awash in a Tsunami of Love. This is the best time for us to be here, to move on through that all important gateway and stake our claim in the 5th dimension.

Stand up and be counted! You are a Lightworker. Get back in the game. The game is called Ascension and you're invited.

Let's Ascend together, shall we?

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