Wednesday, October 19, 2011


NESARA: Is the Perfect Answer Waiting for the Right Question? 

Steve Beckow - 2012 Scenario October 18, 2011

It’s an incredible situation we’re in today and watching around us.
Citizens throughout the world are organizing first and groping second for a description of exactly what it is that they’re organizing about. People who aren’t used to discussing global issues appear to be awakening and slowly establishing what they wish to see happen. One can almost see many people moving from personal considerations to local considerations, to national, and to global, in a very short matter of time.

They’re hearing what other people are complaining about and connecting the dots.  As more and more people do so, it just may happen at some point that many people will arrive at solutions which approximate the very solution that is not only already available, but also waiting in the wings to be introduced into our lives, which we know by the name of “NESARA.”
In a sense, we’re waiting for people to ask the right question: why can’t we have an economic system that is equitable and dedicated to people rather than profits? The perfect answer to that question already exists.

NESARA is a name derived from the initials of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, an act of the United States Congress which has been passed but not proclaimed.  It has been planned for a very long time and is already assembled and waiting for the right time to be announced and introduced. The gold to back it up is in place. The rainbow currency has been created. The officers to administer it are appointed and awaiting their time to begin operations.

We are simply awaiting the defeat of the dark cabal that has been responsible for the impoverishment of the masses and the destruction of the financial system that has underpinned their operations. That defeat and destruction do not seem far off, given recent events.

I don’t plan to go into the history of it. There are other articles that do that. (1) I’d rather look at the philosophy of it.  The philosophy of it is this. NESARA is a system designed to distribute money and use the planet’s natural resources wisely and fairly.  It is a program designed to give to all citizens of Earth, without distinction, the abundance needed to see to their needs and release them from unnecessary toil, want and anxiety. Of NESARA, SaLuSa of Sirius, a spokesman for the Galactic Federation, which in concert with the Company of Light and the Earth allies is bringing in NESARA, tells us:

“As promised. within the provisions of NESARA are  virtually all of the steps necessary to reverse the established systems  that have held you back. These are necessarily far-reaching and indicate  the direction in which Humanity should have progressed.”  (2)

“Having abundance … fulfils the  promise of equality and sharing in a fair way that covers all of your  needs. This is quite different from the unabated drive to acquire as  much material wealth as possible, often at the expense of others.  Spirituality does not however require that you live as a pauper or give  up all of your possessions.”  (3)

The pressures that will lead to a complete reappraisal of our economic arrangements and the introduction of NESARA have been growing for some time and SaLuSa tells us what will result from them, contrasting our way of life with that of the more advanced beings who are behind the formulation and introduction of NESARA.

“We note that the pressures are rising for a complete financial  appraisal, with a view to introducing a totally new system. We encourage  such moves as the old one has proven to be inadequate, and not  operating to the benefit of the people. Your banking system has been  gradually eating away at your hard earned monies, and has had little  regard if any for the hardships that result from their avarice. That  power is being removed, but only a complete change will serve your real  interests and establish a fair and honest system.

“You will be recompensed, as abundance will see the return of prosperity  and a fair and equitable sharing of your wealth. You will gradually move  into a new phase of life that will be a prelude to Ascension, and bring  you nearer to the Oneness that you will enjoy.

“Dear Ones, we have no requirement for money as everything is shared, and  each souls requirements are provided to ensure they have the best  standard of life possible. When you have no such needs the quality of  life is idyllic, and allows for ample time for the pursuance of personal  interests.
“The labours of life as you now experience them will no longer exist, and  you will not toil and work your knuckles to the bone to exist. It has  only been the greed for power and wealth by the richest families in your  world, that has limited your progress towards such a society on Earth.”   (4)

The wealth that has been corraled on Earth will be reclaimed and redistributed, SaLuSa informs us.
“So many of you are experiencing difficulties in  your lives that the  Abundance Programs would help. I want to tell you  that, in the near  future, poverty will be eradicated from Earth, and  the wealth mainly  secreted away by the Illuminati will be reclaimed and  redistributed for  the good of all. Financial Institutions will be  re-modelled to cater for  a new society that has set greed and  corruption aside.”  (5)

Abundance is not something that should be enjoyed by some and not by others, he tells us.
“Abundance is your right and shall not be held from you for much longer.
“It will bring equality amongst you without taking away your individual  personality or desire to live your life in a free expression. The  drudgery of life will be removed, and you will participate in what you  choose for yourself.” (6)

Having an equitable economic system will remove all the causes for jealousy and greed, he says.
“In time the wealth of the world will be properly shared for the good of  all. Is it not a fact, that when you have sufficient for your needs a  happier and more contented society is created? Jealousy and envy [will  be] eliminated and even greed becomes unnecessary, and would certainly  be discouraged. Your present times are the result of deliberate plans by  the Illuminati, to create friction through lack and make you reliant on  them for your existence.” (7)

What are we waiting for?  SaLuSa explains:

“In the physical realms money can buy practically  anything from exotic weaponry to an individuals loyalty, and [the  Illuminati] have done so virtually unchallenged. As you will know by now  the financial state of the world is precarious and collapsing, which  will take their power base with it. Once they are seriously weakened,  through our Allies we shall make our move and ensure that they cannot  recover.”  (8)

All this is designed to aid our movement towards the planetary shift that we know as “Ascension,” as SaLuSa explains.
“It is planned to advance your civilization so that there is a natural  progression to Ascension. That which has been denied you will quickly  come into your lives, and provide the answers to the problems that  confront you now. We can address all issues so that you take a quantum  leap into the New Age.

“We share responsibility for your future just as much as you do, and  together we will have no difficulty in getting you prepared for the  wonderful and exciting times just ahead. Already you have had sufficient  information to understand the nature of them. Clearing away the result  of years of pollution is high on our list, and although the size of the  task is extremely large, with our technology it will be dealt with in  next to no time.

“The environment has to be restored as first measure to lift everyone’s  living conditions. Then shall the basic needs of the poorer people be  provided for in full measure. Contented people are happy people, and the  joys of living will be there for you all to experience.” (9)

NESARA is the way to provide for the needs of the poorer people among  us and place them in a position where they can begin preparing for  Ascension. There is no need for NESARA, no need for money after  Ascension because Fifth-Dimensional beings can create whatever they need  by the power of thought and they need much, much less.  Hunger will be  gone. Homelessness will be impossible. Environmental problems such as  droughts, flooding, etc., will not exist.  All the difficulties  associated with the world we live in will be gone.

Until then NESARA is the perfect answer waiting for the right  question. As the people of the world continue to turn away from the  economic system which has been the bane of their existence, awaken, and  deprive the world’s ruling elites of their power, we approach the day  when the question will arise that will bring with it the answer: NESARA.
For instance, see “NESARA,” at ; also:

The following are worth Googling for additional information
Nancy B. Detweiler: History of NESARA
Nancy B. Detweiler: NESARA Rights the Unthinkable Wrongs Perpetrated On the American People & the World
NESARA and 9/11
NESARA: The Financial Side of a World That Works for Everyone
SaLuSa: Massive Changes are Coming that will Provide the Answers to Present Problems
More on NESARA’s Name and Realm of Operation
Some Provisions of the NESARA Act
What is NESARA?
What is the “Abundance Program”?
Much Ado About NESARA
Saul: The New Worldwide Monetary and Financial System
SaLuSa on the Spiritual Hierarchy and NESARA
Yes, Hundreds of Trillions of Dollars are Being Stored. Gold too.
Matthew Ward: Special NESARA Edition, 2003 and 2005

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