Wednesday, October 2, 2024

‘Getting to the bottom of Personal Trauma’

 Making Waves Where None Exist!

‘Getting to the bottom of Personal Trauma’

Maurice Turmel PhD

“Give me the child until he is 7 years old and I will show you the man”

Alleged founder of Jesuits 

It seems daunting that whoever said this had one purpose in mind, which was to control people from their birth forward.  “For what purpose” one might ask?  To set up the existential model of conditioning that we see blatantly practiced everywhere to this day? Not only in religion, where it started, but in our educational system as well.  Was this only to have control over people as they were indoctrinated into the family religion?  Or, was there an even greater purpose that we’re only beginning to disseminate and understand?  If so, what could that be?

It’s one thing to condition people to a particular way of thinking and behaving, it’s a whole other matter to shut down their own liberal access to their Inner Divinity.  That my friends is a Crime Against Humanity, pure and simple.  This act and the systems of total control over others have multiple facets and goals.  The obvious ones are mastery through indoctrination. “This is how to think and behave and we shall show you the way” - the mantra of most religions to this day.  A crime in and of itself if one chooses to not look any further.

But, the bigger issue, and therefore, bigger crime, is the shutting down of one’s inherent access to their own Divinity.  That is the abusive end result of major proportions.  Psychology and Spirituality are undoing this monstrosity, slowly but surely.  People are waking up!  People are growing!  People are expanding!  People are shaking off the Straitjacket of religion and liberating themselves in the process.

To be sure, this is not easy, and it is even scary.  Because that fictional comfort one enjoyed while attached to their system now begins to collapse, and feelings of insecurity and loss of control emerge as part of the undoing process. Something I know only too well personally. But that is the shift. It’s scary but also exciting. Its unnerving, but also begins to feel like Home, the Home that was taken from us while these wielders of control and programming still had their way.

Oh yes, we are breaking out of that world, aren’t we.  Groups like SFTSG help us navigate these choppy waters, these layers of resistance, these arising fears that show up as a function of that early programming. These fallacies are being set aside now as we get to the Heart of the matter.  That Heart you and I are getting to know is where we truly live, where that unhindered glorious Self of ours thrives and beckons us forward.

We can borrow a term from religion here to help make that final point.  It’s called Soul by some.  It’s called Heart by many.  It’s called Love by those who taste it freely and show it off in all they do.  For now, I will call it Soul, our Energy Centre, indestructible, eternal, and ours for the reclaiming.  On that note, I will attach a song that underscores this sentiment, that celebrates this achievement of having reconnected with our Deepest Self: “Celebrate Your Soul”

Spiritual Podcasts Description

 Spiritual Podcasts Description

Maurice Turmel PhD - The Spiritual Psychologist

I'm a retired psychologist, also known as The Spiritual Psychologist online where spirituality and personal growth have been a specialty interest for nearly 50 years. (Yes, I'm that old) Currently I have released a book titled "Breaking the Spell of Religion & Healing the Trauma." Sounds scary doesn't it?  What could this possibly have to do with Spirituality or Personal Growth?  Very simple. Persons traumatized in their formative years by their native religion, catholicism in my case, have more than a Difficult time getting in touch with their deep rooted Spirituality and Essential Self simply because they’ve been buried under mounds of guilt, shame & fear, the main products of such religions in their marketing of so-called Redemption. How can this be overcome?  Everything we learned about dysfunctional families back in the 80s can now be applied to uncovering said trauma and helping individuals find their way to that Deepest Self, always ready to emerge once these layers of trauma have been surfaced to be healed.  I've lived this myself.  That story is both personal and professional, and in the book, includes the stories and life experiences of numerous individuals overcoming such challenges. For some people, walking through this minefield of assaults on their Inner Dimensions is the difficult, but necessary, way Home.  And yes, it is doable, as I have experienced, and helped many others do the same.  I know this is Not a Pretty Picture where achieving personal spiritual awareness and growth are concerned but it is a really essential journey for those of us saddled with such challenges. Regardless of what path any of us may have to choose up that mountain, the view from the top remains the same. Self-Acceptance and Spirituality await and ever present Love is the gift box they come in.

Coming Home to You

 Coming Home to You

Maurice Turmel PhD

     My friends, you know why we’re here.  To save ourselves first of all and then, our soulmates as we share what we have learned.  

     My latest book titled “Breaking the Spell of Religion & Healing the Trauma” is  about my venture into the world of widely erratic superstition called Religion, a virtual horror show of major proportions. When you land in a place like that, a new soul venturing into the Earth Plane to gather secrets and lessons to behold, you find out quickly how brazen life can be.

     I landed in a French Canadian style Catholic environment where the words of the day were: “Stay frightened”  “We’ve got you covered”  “Believe our message and You’ll be safe”  “Do not look beyond these walls”  “Do not dare to tread outside”  “Those other religions are sacrileges”  “Ours is painted gold.”  Yes, that was my welcome as a child into the fold of my religion. It was wrapped all around me, like a straightjacket, from the day I arrived on the planet and throughout my education years right through to High School.

     Coming out of that environment in my late teens and early 20s I was a nervous wreck!  Scared of the outside world, of other people’s judgemental faces, of anything that did not have my religion’s patented approach to a closed in life.  Yes my friends, I was a nervous and insecure wreck!

     Well, how did I know I was a wreck?  I didn’t!  I didn’t realize it until years later when I was introduced to Group Therapy for people going through trauma.  In my case, that was a broken marriage that never had a chance to begin with, a final straw that led me to seek help.

     Here, in therapy land, I was introduced to words, to language, to books all about that scary world I came from and this potentially new world before me that actually began to make sense.  This new world was framed by Psychology, and you could say that it became my new religion.  But, more accurately it was actually my lifeboat and it began slowly to carry me out of that morass that I was born into.

     Life began to make sense.  Dealing with my feelings made sense.  Yes, the language was direct and harsh at times, but mostly accurate when it came to describing behaviour, emotional responses and the elements of self-understanding.  I began to realize that could Love Myself.  “Oh blasphemy” I could hear my old religion screaming.  “You can only love yourself when you’re perfect” it would cackle repeatedly. Well, now I knew I was on to something.  If the new me was at odds with that old shattered self and its heritage of mostly artificial and contradictory pronouncements, then I must certainly be on the right track.

     That in the end was my official rescue, my heroic journey to my true self within, the biggest goal we can have in this earthly endeavour, and the best motivation we can muster.  I was on my way Home.  Home is where the Heart is, and that’s where I live now.  Imperfect! Loving! Self-accepting! And happy, within my own personal shelter wrapped in that gift box called Love.  Connected to All it seems, as I continue to plod along my unique path, meeting great people also awakening to their true selves, doing their very best while coming to terms with who they really are, at that deep-seated Soul Level. 

Glad to see you here, friend.  Thanks for tuning in.

Now imagine your Deepest Self calling you Home - Free Streaming

Thursday, February 17, 2022

A Rallying Cry for The Army of Light

 A Rallying Cry for The Army of Light

Every day feelings rise to the surface for we who identify as Lightworkers, Starseeds and Wayshowers, feelings that are oftentimes quite  stressful.  This Ascension Journey is shaking us to our core.  Our hearts ache when we identify these rising feelings.  What is their message?  What do we need to learn from them? What must we now release in order to move forward again. Where are these feelings to go, once brought to the surface, to be dealt with we hope, once and for all?  These feelings are ours first and foremost, to be owned, accepted, and then to be released, once their full message is received.

Every day a little more comes out.  Eventually all will be out.  Our healing chore will be done.  And only then does our mission begin in earnest.  We are close to that now.  The turning point is upon us.  We’ve passed the point of no return.  We are on the other side of the hill coming into the home stretch.  What else can we uncover?  “What else can there be,” we ask?  We’ve covered it all, over and over, until these deepest layers arise.  It has to be coming to a close.  That’s what is next - closing remarks - and where do we go from here?

We do our mission of course, which is to share, to apply, to elucidate, to set free, to become examples for others to refer to.  We can call these bouncing points, or reference points, such as - do this - do that - get better soon - all part of the package we are putting together now.

“How to heal yourself in 90 days, or your money back,” could be our back to work slogan.  “The air is mighty thin up here,” one might add.

We are getting there, climbing the mountain of change, of security, of actual healing, from all the trauma we’ve suffered at the hands of poor parenting and the influence of ‘the church’ making it all worse.  There’s no way what they offered helped, it only made things it worse.

We’ve been through all that as well, dealing with religion, which took its toll on a majority of us.  We’re healing that too - getting rid of guilt and shame imposed by these differing brands of faith, looking more like Fast Faith Food Stores then actual beacons of help.

Its time to love ourselves, to regain Lost Love -  and there it is, the title of our journey, regaining lost love where we were dethroned from by circumstances beyond our control.  By poor parenting marked by emotional abandonment and then reinforced by so-called faith teachings which taught us to not trust ourselves, or our innate feelings. There’s the tragedy - there’s the drama - there’s the trauma!

That’s what we’re healing folks - letting go of, releasing, side-stepping and healing.  That’s what we’re doing - Healing a pandemic of Lost Love - taken from us by those who thought they knew better and who moved to control us for sport, for control and for money.

We’ve played their game.  It sucks!  Now let’s get on with our lives.  Let’s love each other.  Let’s regain Lost Love.  That’s our mandate, entrusted to us by innate powers we are turning to now, our higher dimensional selves, operating on the other side, calling us Home to Heart and Love and all steps in between.

Time to rise up and be the Loving Beings we were born to be - the Creator’s real children, here to be brave and be happy again, as good parents would have us be.  Let’s celebrate that - coming home to our true selves.  Let’s allow that to rise among us.  Let’s speak our truth.  Let’s speak our hearts and find Love once again. In fact, let’s be Love, okay?   Yes, we can! Oh yes , we can!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Awakening to Remember #1

Awakening to Remember #1 - June 18, 2019
Maurice Turmel - AKA: “Dr Moe”

Hi there, I’m Maurice Turmel, retired psychologist and professional seeker on the path to who knows where, wondering if I’m a Lightworker, Starseed or simply an Ascension seeker as I go through this barrage of energy hitting us all lately and making many of us a bit loopy.

I’ve had lonely times, anxious times, difficulties sleeping, chaotic dreams and a whole host of symptoms related to this Ascension process. And I’ve asked myself often: am I a Lightworker, Starseed or something else I can’t identify just yet, getting different answers on different days.

I’ve dealt with with personal trauma from childhood forward, cried buckets of tears to relieve myself of that pain, determined to do the healing necessary along the way.  I’ve opened my heart as regularly suggested and kept finding a host of pain relics that I didn’t know existed.  Are we done yet?

I’ve deep breathed.  I’ve meditated.  I’ve done stress tapping for anxiety. I’ve listened to a host of recorded programs coming from people with different specialties in the spiritual healing arts.  I’ve done 45+ years of personal growth work and became a psychologist along the way thinking that was my purpose. And it was, for a little while.  Yup, back to the drawing board.

So here’s the deal.  I’m asking questions so I can determine that I’m not alone.  If you’re on this path then please jump in and share some of your story as I’ve started to do here.  Here are some of the questions I’ve been asking myself along the way.  See if any of them fit you.

Are you a Lightworker, Starseed, or some other category of seeker out on this journey to help the Earth and all of us aboard to ascend?

Are you feeling lonely and scared some of the time, not certain what to make of what’s going on inside you as the energies keep coming in?

Are you a seeker who feels you have a mission, but its not quite clear to you what that is yet?

Do you feel lost or confused with this barrage of spiritual information coming at you from so many directions, most of it being online?

Are you listening to your heart yet, or finding it hard to get past the noise your ego wants to make when you tune into your inner world?

Are you experiencing any of the symptoms that I listed at the beginning of this post that have been some of the more familiar stepping stones so far?

This is just a trial balloon, a beginning, to see what we might have in common in terms of experiences related to this Ascension process and our participation in it.

We read articles and posts every day about what we’re allegedly going through, but we rarely get asked what is going on with us.

So I’m trying to start a conversation here.  I believe we’re stronger working together while sharing aspects of our journey.  And I believe that sharing can be a great stress reliever.  What do you think?

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Cosmic Love - Maurice Turmel PhD

Maurice Turmel PhD - May 26, 2019
Unitarian Church of Niagara

“When we let our fears limit and rule our lives, we are not able to express who we are and live the life we were meant to live.  To overcome our fears and anxieties, we must face them head on.  We simply stop running and hiding.  With love and compassion for ourselves, we allow ourselves to feel.  We give ourselves love and we forgive”.  See

Cosmic Love may seem out of place, a way of justifying a mood and/or presenting a populist view of a world wide event, when all around us there seems to be chaos.  I say its an event, a process, because its happening now, moving across the world and into our hearts.  The drumbeat of a new world is being born, one no longer marred by war, but by Love.  This would be the love of all mankind for each other and for our selves as well.

I know this sounds optimistic and precarious at best, easy to dismiss given the plethora of negative activity now in the world and here at home.  But rather than see this as a total disintegration into nothingness, I see it as a preparatory step to ushering in a new era based on Love, acceptance and mutual appreciation - all Unitarian principles, I believe.

The negatives are plentiful and present.  We see them all around us, in the worlds’ of many national leaders we once admired.  But not anymore.  It doesn’t seem like many of them have a clue at this time.  And those that claim to have a clue want us to move back in time.  In other words, go backwards to what they believe was a better time. This would be a time they have idealized to suit their own agenda.

Prior to the chaos we see before us now, we seemed to have had times of calm and peacefulness in spite of the drumbeat of cold wars and enhanced artificial differences between ourselves in the West and Communist Nations.  We didn’t know it then, but we were at war with ourselves!

In a world of divide and conquer,  leaders pitched the idea that it was them against us; ergo, World Wars 1 & 2 followed by many smaller skirmishes in little known nations with the proviso that we, the West, were bringing democracy to them, rather than the more obvious pillaging of their natural resources or positioning for greater power.

Now, we can’t even bring democracy to ourselves.  Just look at south of the border. We have multiple scandals erupting here in the West. There is this inevitable sabre rattling that goes on between bully nations and those who would dare challenge them. For example, U.S.A versus Iran or versus North Korea.

However, mankind, as a whole, is not buying into this anymore.  We are tired of war and see no gain there.  We are skeptical of our leaders because there’s a new source of truth growing within each and every one of us.  A deeper truth that we are waking up to ourselves.

This is what I call Cosmic Love which is literally in the air.  And because we are shifting into this new dimension of being, there is chaos brewing all around which is the mark of a growing change in attitudes by earth’s general population.

Yes, we can focus on the negative and say the world is going to hell in a hand-basket.  Or, we can begin to see the sprouts of a new life brewing, a life based on mutual respect, acceptance, friendship, accommodation, and recognition of the other within ourselves.  This includes recognizing the universality of the human experience and our mutual interdependence regardless of political stripes, religious orientation or differing approaches to economic growth, all of which again I understand, is the Unitarian way.

Is there any physical evidence of a shift going on?
The Schumann Resonance, Mother Earth’s vibratory rate, measured at 7.8 hertz per second  in the 1950s was considered stable. Since 2012,  the Schumann has been climbing every year and spiking into the 30 to 60 hertz range and beyond. Most recently, at 2:00 a.m. on March 17, 2019 the readings spiked at 150hz   before settling back to the 70hz range. (see other words, the planet is accelerating its vibratory pulse, and that affects all of us aboard.  Feeling more edgy lately or having trouble sleeping are all possible reactions.

The shift has hit the fan!  We are at the cusp of a major shift and we are in it, like it or not.  What is this shift?  In a nutshell, we are moving from fear based motivation to love based. In fact, it is the changes within us that are driving this shift.  We are being called to take action, action that helps the planet and that accommodates the reality of climate change.  Through this awakening to the universality of our human experience, we can hear and feel our brothers and sisters around the world crying out for help. Their pleas are reaching us and touching our hearts, where the true Love of Life ultimately lives.

We are getting in touch with that part of ourselves, that deepest darkest secret that Jesus referred to as ‘The Kingdom Within.’  Since we are chips of the old block called Source, we are each and every one of us capable of claiming that prize, a truth that is now engendered by millions around the world, and that will finally set us free.

We are Love.  We are capable of Love.  And we are stronger as we allow this Love to rise and thrive within us.

Oh yes, it does seem easier at times to look at the negative and complain.  It takes courage to love and forgive, especially ourselves.  It takes courage to look beyond the surfaces and see what all mankind is searching for, Love, Acceptance and Peace.

We are all capable of exhibiting these experiences.  Their truth begins at home, inside each of us.  Its a truth we must master or we slink away into the negative and join the chorus of complainers and professional victims.

I believe that we, our generation, have done enough personal growth work to make Love and all its consequences our priority.  We’ve been doing personal growth work since the 70’s, since books like “I’m OK, You’re OK” came along and the plethora of self-help books that followed.

We dug deeper into this mantra in the 80’s when we learned about dysfunctional families and their attributes (John Bradshaw, for example) when we were forced to look at Guilt and Shame, its origins in our lives, and how that tied us into psychological and emotional knots.  We saw how sexually abused women and men were led to resources like “The Courage to Heal” written by recovering victims who put themselves out there, and were attacked for 
doing so.

Then, along came the books describing co-dependence (Melodie Beattie) and the latest in personal growth authors, both academic and popular, (before the internet) many of them appearing on such shows as Oprah.  There were the Seth books and, yes, even Shirley MacLaine who put out books on our evolving spirituality (Out on a Limb).  There was  Deepak Chopra and his take on our evolving spirituality, and on and on the list goes.  We have become a generation in search of healing.

I grew up in these eras, psychologically and spiritually speaking.  My personal growth walked hand in hand with my professional growth.  The more I learned about these psychodynamics, the more I grew personally and, therefore, the more I could help my clients with their growth. (I was a practicing therapist for nearly 2 decades).

For me, there was no looking away when spiritual issues were presented.  There was no side-stepping that part of my human experience whether it fit into prescribed psychological boxes or not.  I had already accepted that we were spiritual at our core.  This is the part of us that vacates the premises when the body expires, and goes back Home to have a review about what was learned this particular time around. (These are my beliefs and I own them.)

I began to refer to myself as a Spiritual Psychologist during this last decade.  Spirituality, which includes Love, is definitely a key component in my life.  I bathe in it daily.  I pay tribute to it in all my writings. I have 3 books on Amazon and 3 albums of songs at  I have manuscripts filled with poetry and short stories yet to be published.  This is who I am.  I am a writer and song-writer and my main subjects are Personal Growth and Love.

I honour my connection to Source, the Divine within.  I honour it because that’s who I am.  After 45 years of personal growth efforts, I have come to that conclusion and I am satisfied that this is me.

I finally reached a place called Self-Acceptance, where every new dimension of my being that I uncover becomes the latest addition to my evolving identity.  I am all these dimensions that I’ve come to recognize, including the ones I don’t like, and I take responsibility for all of them.  This is of course an ever evolving process.

I trust that the deeper part of me knows what I need  before I do, even before I become fully aware of what it is or means.  I have come to agree with that and I accept it. This has been the inspiration for my manuscripts and song lyrics. They all come from this deeper part of me, including the ideas presented here in this talk.

It’s taken the better part of this lifetime for me to learn to trust and accept myself, warts and all.  The pursuit of perfection is gone.  I Am What I Am,  and I have a blues song that bears that title.

Back to Cosmic Love, and what is that about?  A few years ago I came across a quote that was attributed to Albert Einstein,  “Love is the most powerful force in the Universe.”  That quote hit home for me.  It reverberated within where I feel and intuitively grasp whether it fits me or not, even as there is controversy now surrounding the quote’s attribution.

Was this quote from Albert Einstein in an alleged letter to one of his daughters?  The controversy online says “no”,  it’s not possible, and these sources offer good reasons to doubt that he authored it.  This brings up the following questions to which I have no answers:  Why would someone,  anonymous, attribute this to him?  What would be the motive?  What is there to gain?

Controversy aside, for me the quote stands up.  I feel it.  I’m growing into it.  It’s what I see happening around me and in my own life.  I am growing my capacity for love, in both receiving and giving.  That said, here are some authenticated quotes from Albert Einstein, followed by those from other thinkers, which I have found inspiring.

On mystery:
“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his/her eyes are dimmed”.   A. Einstein 
On imagination:
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world”.  A. Einstein 
On love:
“Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love”.  A. Einstein 
On Being Human:
“A human being is part of the whole called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space.  He experiences himself, thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.  This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us.  Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of  compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty”.  A Einstein For me, what he is referring to here sounds like Cosmic Love.

In terms of Cosmic Love being a powerful force that surrounds us, Pierre Telhard de Chardin did make such quotes regarding the universality of Love,  and I offer them here.

“Love is as old as the cosmos itself”.  The Jesuit scientist, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, spoke of love as a cosmological force. “The fundamental law of attraction in the universe,” he wrote, “is love”.   He described love “as the primal energy of the universe, the energy of attraction, union and transcendence.  Driven by the forces of love,” he said, “the fragments of the world [continuously] seek each other so that the world may come into being”.  Elsewhere he wrote, “Love is the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mysterious of the cosmic forces… the physical structure of the universe is love”.  Although many scientists and non-scientists balk at the idea of cosmological love, Teilhard thought from a different level of consciousness, one much closer to the medieval writers who had profound views on cosmos, nature and world soul.

Another writer I came to appreciate,  Richard Maurice Bucke, made similar suggestions in his book, ‘Cosmic Consciousness,’ where he analyzed the lives of exceptional individuals, including Jesus Christ.  Bucke was a Canadian psychologist from the early part of the last century. He is buried in London, Ontario where he is well known and appreciated.  Dr. Bucke was also a contemporary and friend of Walt Whitman,  another great writer and poet with a spiritual bent, who would come up to Canada on occasion to visit 
family and friends.

Joseph Campbell, a great American Mythologist, gave us a portrait of The Hero Myth (The Hero with A Thousand Faces) as it is found in all cultures around the world and down through the generations. The structure of the Hero’s journey is broken into 3 components: 
  1. Separation
  2. Initiation 
  3. Return (which ultimately is a return to Love)
The Hero’s journey, here, is an internal enterprise, with heroes and heroines engaging with their inner dynamics to find their way back to love, or Home, as is often the reference.

John Smallman is another author I find  engaging:
Be of good cheer, because you are all awakening to the realization that you (we) are all One, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, skin colour, and political or religious persuasion.  And you are, therefore, also One with your living planet, Mother Earth, whose vitality and good health directly affects you”. (e.g. again, Schumann resonance spiking to higher levels affects us all).   There is growing recognition that Love is the unchangeable nature of every sentient being, and that happiness and joy arise when this is recognized, and when all live constantly holding that most powerful intent”.

These are the sources that, for me, hit the nail on the head.  As much as I once chaffed at the idea of Love being a dominant force, I have come to believe it and accept it.  But to get there I had to let go of my need for revenge against those who hurt and abused me in my childhood years.  I had to heal all associated pain and come to love and accept myself as I am. Again, this is, of course, an ongoing process.

There is no peace in anger or revenge.  Nelson Mandela is a great example of this.  He forgave his abusers and those who unjustly incarcerated him.  Instead, he chose peace and forgiveness, and exemplified this higher level love in doing so. Not unlike Jesus, some would say, in his life of teaching and sharing.  Was Mandela perfect? Of course not! What he did was simply choose  peace and forgiveness over revenge and hate.

Cosmic Love exists like the air we breathe.  It lives inside of us and we can access it if we choose to reach for it.  It exists permanently in our hearts whether we choose to connect or not.  We have to learn to receive first, to let ourselves bask in the glory of Universal Love.  Yes, it’s hard to believe that such a force exists.  But what’s the alternative?

We either devolve into chaos and extinction, or we grow past our need for anger, revenge and retribution and bring love into and through our hearts while nourishing ourselves back to psychological and spiritual health.

Online Reactions to 1st Cosmic Love post:

Paul Fouchard Christoffersen - Spiritual Free Thought Study Group - Alberta
“I've been privileged to have glimpsed Cosmic or God's unconditional love thanks to an NDE - Near Death Experience. Many others have experienced this infinite realm of love and bliss. My wife too has experienced this indescribable love on numerous occasions. We all originate from this realm and we all return there after our brief sojourns here on Earth”.

Kate Chard - Spiritual Free Thought Study Group 
Pondering the idea of our ability to experience Cosmic Love, I am certain 
. . . that we can experience Love in its Cosmic or Divine aspect beyond our phenomenal world. Here I do not mean to limit this infinite love to any type 
. . . but rather a love that transcends our sense awareness”.

My 2 Experiences with Cosmic Love:
  1. It was Summer, and I was sitting in my favourite lounge chair admiring the flowers, bushes and plants that adorned our backyard garden and that were flourishing beautifully thanks to my wife’s stellar green thumb.  All of a sudden I felt connected to everything I was seeing, including the bees and butterflies floating around doing their usual chores, and the birds flying overhead. I felt blissful.  I felt peaceful. I felt at One with everything before me. It lasted about 20 minutes.

  1. This past Fall I was was home alone listening to soft meditative music, thinking about my family and friends, and all of a sudden, I felt a huge wave of Love envelop me.  I felt love for all these people in my life.  And again, I felt blissful.  I felt peaceful.  And I felt deeply connected to these wonderful people through this wave of Love that had enveloped me.  I felt at One with all of them.  This also lasted about 20 minutes.

The deepest source of Love is truly our own Heart.  Where we live and breathe spiritually and emotionally is where we touch Love’s true grandeur and tenderness.  Where we are connected to our essential Selves is where we finally discover authentic Love and, what I believe,  “The Most Powerful Force in the Universe”.

This is what I refer to as Cosmic Love, the essence of who we are at the core of our being, the unspoiled Me that comes into the world ready to share and serve. There are many examples of this all around us, often referred to as service-to-others in a great variety of forms.

 In conclusion, I choose Love.  I choose Cosmic Love as it exists within me and as I am able to set my ego aside and his primitive need for “getting even.”  I choose Love, and I choose it every day.
Am I a saint? Absolutely not!  Am I capable of grumpiness and complaining?  Yes, indeed!  Am I working on it? Yes, I am!  Why?  Because 45 years of personal growth work have taught me that I Am Worth It,  and So Are You!

 Maurice Turmel Books:

 Maurice Turmel Music:

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Book Giveaway Update - Conscious Evolution

Thank You to All who entered our Goodreads Book Giveaway on the following title. 250 people entered and 100 of these, picked at random by Amazon, were rewarded with a Free Download. You can see their names at the Giveaway page. Just scroll down and check there in case you missed your notification.

‘Getting to the bottom of Personal Trauma’

  Making Waves Where None Exist! ‘Getting to the bottom of Personal Trauma’ Maurice Turmel PhD “Give me the child until he is 7 years ol...