Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Coming Home to You

 Coming Home to You

Maurice Turmel PhD

     My friends, you know why we’re here.  To save ourselves first of all and then, our soulmates as we share what we have learned.  

     My latest book titled “Breaking the Spell of Religion & Healing the Trauma” is  about my venture into the world of widely erratic superstition called Religion, a virtual horror show of major proportions. When you land in a place like that, a new soul venturing into the Earth Plane to gather secrets and lessons to behold, you find out quickly how brazen life can be.

     I landed in a French Canadian style Catholic environment where the words of the day were: “Stay frightened”  “We’ve got you covered”  “Believe our message and You’ll be safe”  “Do not look beyond these walls”  “Do not dare to tread outside”  “Those other religions are sacrileges”  “Ours is painted gold.”  Yes, that was my welcome as a child into the fold of my religion. It was wrapped all around me, like a straightjacket, from the day I arrived on the planet and throughout my education years right through to High School.

     Coming out of that environment in my late teens and early 20s I was a nervous wreck!  Scared of the outside world, of other people’s judgemental faces, of anything that did not have my religion’s patented approach to a closed in life.  Yes my friends, I was a nervous and insecure wreck!

     Well, how did I know I was a wreck?  I didn’t!  I didn’t realize it until years later when I was introduced to Group Therapy for people going through trauma.  In my case, that was a broken marriage that never had a chance to begin with, a final straw that led me to seek help.

     Here, in therapy land, I was introduced to words, to language, to books all about that scary world I came from and this potentially new world before me that actually began to make sense.  This new world was framed by Psychology, and you could say that it became my new religion.  But, more accurately it was actually my lifeboat and it began slowly to carry me out of that morass that I was born into.

     Life began to make sense.  Dealing with my feelings made sense.  Yes, the language was direct and harsh at times, but mostly accurate when it came to describing behaviour, emotional responses and the elements of self-understanding.  I began to realize that could Love Myself.  “Oh blasphemy” I could hear my old religion screaming.  “You can only love yourself when you’re perfect” it would cackle repeatedly. Well, now I knew I was on to something.  If the new me was at odds with that old shattered self and its heritage of mostly artificial and contradictory pronouncements, then I must certainly be on the right track.

     That in the end was my official rescue, my heroic journey to my true self within, the biggest goal we can have in this earthly endeavour, and the best motivation we can muster.  I was on my way Home.  Home is where the Heart is, and that’s where I live now.  Imperfect! Loving! Self-accepting! And happy, within my own personal shelter wrapped in that gift box called Love.  Connected to All it seems, as I continue to plod along my unique path, meeting great people also awakening to their true selves, doing their very best while coming to terms with who they really are, at that deep-seated Soul Level. 

Glad to see you here, friend.  Thanks for tuning in.

Now imagine your Deepest Self calling you Home - Free Streaming

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