A Rallying Cry for The Army of Light
Every day feelings rise to the surface for we who identify as Lightworkers, Starseeds and Wayshowers, feelings that are oftentimes quite stressful. This Ascension Journey is shaking us to our core. Our hearts ache when we identify these rising feelings. What is their message? What do we need to learn from them? What must we now release in order to move forward again. Where are these feelings to go, once brought to the surface, to be dealt with we hope, once and for all? These feelings are ours first and foremost, to be owned, accepted, and then to be released, once their full message is received.
Every day a little more comes out. Eventually all will be out. Our healing chore will be done. And only then does our mission begin in earnest. We are close to that now. The turning point is upon us. We’ve passed the point of no return. We are on the other side of the hill coming into the home stretch. What else can we uncover? “What else can there be,” we ask? We’ve covered it all, over and over, until these deepest layers arise. It has to be coming to a close. That’s what is next - closing remarks - and where do we go from here?
We do our mission of course, which is to share, to apply, to elucidate, to set free, to become examples for others to refer to. We can call these bouncing points, or reference points, such as - do this - do that - get better soon - all part of the package we are putting together now.
“How to heal yourself in 90 days, or your money back,” could be our back to work slogan. “The air is mighty thin up here,” one might add.
We are getting there, climbing the mountain of change, of security, of actual healing, from all the trauma we’ve suffered at the hands of poor parenting and the influence of ‘the church’ making it all worse. There’s no way what they offered helped, it only made things it worse.
We’ve been through all that as well, dealing with religion, which took its toll on a majority of us. We’re healing that too - getting rid of guilt and shame imposed by these differing brands of faith, looking more like Fast Faith Food Stores then actual beacons of help.
Its time to love ourselves, to regain Lost Love - and there it is, the title of our journey, regaining lost love where we were dethroned from by circumstances beyond our control. By poor parenting marked by emotional abandonment and then reinforced by so-called faith teachings which taught us to not trust ourselves, or our innate feelings. There’s the tragedy - there’s the drama - there’s the trauma!
That’s what we’re healing folks - letting go of, releasing, side-stepping and healing. That’s what we’re doing - Healing a pandemic of Lost Love - taken from us by those who thought they knew better and who moved to control us for sport, for control and for money.
We’ve played their game. It sucks! Now let’s get on with our lives. Let’s love each other. Let’s regain Lost Love. That’s our mandate, entrusted to us by innate powers we are turning to now, our higher dimensional selves, operating on the other side, calling us Home to Heart and Love and all steps in between.
Time to rise up and be the Loving Beings we were born to be - the Creator’s real children, here to be brave and be happy again, as good parents would have us be. Let’s celebrate that - coming home to our true selves. Let’s allow that to rise among us. Let’s speak our truth. Let’s speak our hearts and find Love once again. In fact, let’s be Love, okay? Yes, we can! Oh yes , we can!
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