Wednesday, October 2, 2024

‘Getting to the bottom of Personal Trauma’

 Making Waves Where None Exist!

‘Getting to the bottom of Personal Trauma’

Maurice Turmel PhD

“Give me the child until he is 7 years old and I will show you the man”

Alleged founder of Jesuits 

It seems daunting that whoever said this had one purpose in mind, which was to control people from their birth forward.  “For what purpose” one might ask?  To set up the existential model of conditioning that we see blatantly practiced everywhere to this day? Not only in religion, where it started, but in our educational system as well.  Was this only to have control over people as they were indoctrinated into the family religion?  Or, was there an even greater purpose that we’re only beginning to disseminate and understand?  If so, what could that be?

It’s one thing to condition people to a particular way of thinking and behaving, it’s a whole other matter to shut down their own liberal access to their Inner Divinity.  That my friends is a Crime Against Humanity, pure and simple.  This act and the systems of total control over others have multiple facets and goals.  The obvious ones are mastery through indoctrination. “This is how to think and behave and we shall show you the way” - the mantra of most religions to this day.  A crime in and of itself if one chooses to not look any further.

But, the bigger issue, and therefore, bigger crime, is the shutting down of one’s inherent access to their own Divinity.  That is the abusive end result of major proportions.  Psychology and Spirituality are undoing this monstrosity, slowly but surely.  People are waking up!  People are growing!  People are expanding!  People are shaking off the Straitjacket of religion and liberating themselves in the process.

To be sure, this is not easy, and it is even scary.  Because that fictional comfort one enjoyed while attached to their system now begins to collapse, and feelings of insecurity and loss of control emerge as part of the undoing process. Something I know only too well personally. But that is the shift. It’s scary but also exciting. Its unnerving, but also begins to feel like Home, the Home that was taken from us while these wielders of control and programming still had their way.

Oh yes, we are breaking out of that world, aren’t we.  Groups like SFTSG help us navigate these choppy waters, these layers of resistance, these arising fears that show up as a function of that early programming. These fallacies are being set aside now as we get to the Heart of the matter.  That Heart you and I are getting to know is where we truly live, where that unhindered glorious Self of ours thrives and beckons us forward.

We can borrow a term from religion here to help make that final point.  It’s called Soul by some.  It’s called Heart by many.  It’s called Love by those who taste it freely and show it off in all they do.  For now, I will call it Soul, our Energy Centre, indestructible, eternal, and ours for the reclaiming.  On that note, I will attach a song that underscores this sentiment, that celebrates this achievement of having reconnected with our Deepest Self: “Celebrate Your Soul”

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‘Getting to the bottom of Personal Trauma’

  Making Waves Where None Exist! ‘Getting to the bottom of Personal Trauma’ Maurice Turmel PhD “Give me the child until he is 7 years ol...