Freedom from Religion
Maurice Turmel PhD
As a former Catholic I can say with certainty that the Christian faith, as currently practiced, offends me, both as a psychologist and as an individual who was indoctrinated into that tradition. I have seen the damage for myself, in both my own life and the lives of others. And I have witnessed how much this faith has been plagued by lies and various abuses that went unreported or were outright buried.
People everywhere are suffering from this, hurting at a deep level because the faith they construed as theirs has been abusing them for centuries. The record of crimes and abuses committed by this religion's leaders is endless. This form of religion does not represent Christ and never did.
A faith run by zealots is not a faith. It is a conflagration of devices designed to capture recruits in its web. It is about power and greed and unchallengeable supplication to the authorities who run the organization, none of whom, I can see, are qualified to represent God on this Earth. That is my opinion.
Here’s a question for you. If you were God and you saw what was going on in Your Name, what would you say? How would you feel? Would you not be angry that you have been completely misunderstood and invoked as a hammer to dominate others? This is sacrilege. These poor fools who think they represent the Christ are at least misguided, and at worst full of nonsense. To refer to them as Kindergarten Christians is to call them what they are, incompetent to manage the earthly affairs of a truly compassionate Divinity.
They are using the name of God to fill their pockets, much as have other organizations throughout history. This is happening today on many fronts and it is time for people to see it for themselves. The truth is that God lives within all of us and we can access the God Network ourselves. We do not need self-appointed ‘experts’ and the ‘religions’ they represent, to speak to God on our behalf.
These so called experts are themselves slaves to these inexcusable interpretations of what God really is and who Christ really was. Jesus Christ was an astounding figure of course and a model of a way of being. He told the truth as he knew it and understood it from his Heart. Christ didn’t lie. He told us where to look. “The Kingdom is within!”
Quotations from the Bible and words attributed to Christ are, for me, null and void. They have no purpose or value anymore. They have been drained of their original meaning, so far are they removed from the reality that created them. The world is filled with passive Christians and the charlatans who take advantage of them because the former refuse to think for themselves. They have been programmed to believe what their church authority wants them to believe, with messages delivered in a cryptic and enigmatic manner, yet powerful enough, throughout their questionable history, to have them go to war on other faiths.
Think of it. Hundreds of millions of Jews have died over the ages to maintain their faith. They were the subject of tyranny by political groups and other faiths, including the Christians. It was the Christian armies that drove Muslims out of Spain a few centuries back and murdered hundreds of thousands while doing so. On whose authority? For what purpose? Isn’t this what businesses do? Destroy the competition!
When did God or Christ say, “Smite Them – Rid the Earth of this pollution.”
So who ordered these attacks on those who would refuse to be Christian? These were and still are the power mongers who are misusing the words of Jesus Christ to advance their own causes.
Who says God wants one hockey team to triumph over another? Who says these things? Mixed up Christians, that’s who. People who adhere to the simple idea that God is on their side only and everyone else is destined for Hell, another figment that they invented.
Muslims do it too, radically defending their faith and attacking anyone who dares denounce it while pointing out its many flaws. Today’s Muslim extremists make Christians look like clowns at a charity ball. They are far worse in their zealotry, but no worse than Christians were a few centuries ago when they laid waste to persons of other religions. Do a search on Pope Innocent II for a great example of such atrocious tactics.
Today we need a re-education program for persons of all faiths. The first step is a full rebuke of those in power who claim to have a handle on the truth, but in reality are simply running a business and feathering their own nest. More importantly we need a display of the True Nature of Faith, one that comes through Personal Empowerment. This is the worst news possible for religious authorities. The last thing they want is an educated population that they can no longer placate with incomprehensible references. The Emperor (religion) has no clothes, and that's that!
Faith that comes from Personal Empowerment is the only way to break the chains of religious tyranny. By breaking the beast’s back, once and for all, a new faith, born of inward knowledge and experience, can take root, as it already has begun to. We need this to happen on a massive scale. So many lies need to be set aside so that people can see the truth for themselves so they can stand strong in their resolve to be true to their deepest nature. And they will see that Empowerment Faith based on the reality that We Are All God and The Divine resides within every one of us, will set them free once and for all.
Empowerment Faith, a faith born of psychological and spiritual evolution, a faith that can unite us all, is here now. People are ready for this. They are asking for this. They are eager for this. Just Google "Religion in Decline" and see for yourself. Kindergarten Christianity is crashing. Faith through self-empowerment is now available to help bring on genuinely deep self-realization that encompasses a personal connection to the Divine within.
The above is a summary of what’s coming in my upcoming book release titled “Breaking the Spell of Religion and Healing the Trauma.” This is a work over 12 years in the making and first published as a series of articles at a European website called I have been urged, from the inside, to finally pull it together into a book. Additionally, I was also inspired by Dr. Darrel Ray’s release “The God Virus” detailing his journey through the shoals of organized religion. I could see myself in so many of his experiences and am happy to quote him in my book as well.