What does it mean to connect with The Still Small Voice within? Every artist throughout history knows this one. That Voice is one's personal connection to the Divine, the source of all Inspiration, where inspiration literally means "to be filled with spirit". It doesn't get any clearer than that.
Most of us feel that such an ability is only for a select few, where in fact hearing that voice used to be commonplace. Being connected to the Divine was natural in earlier times, back in the 5th dimension of consciousness.
That's where we're returning at this point. Connections to spirit still have to be intentionally engaged in at present; they have to be chosen and committed to. But soon that ability to connect with Source will be natural again because we are accelerating up the vibrational scale back to where we were before The Fall. We are leaving 3D limited consciousness and returning to 5D capabilities.
In the novel The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension, a group of volunteers are recruited to attend a spiritual training program, somewhere off planet. They are there to learn about this connection to The Voice within and secure it for themselves. They chose this mission to acquire that ability so they could become trainers and teach their fellow human beings.
The Voice is a spiritual sci-fi adventure that is occuring now to awakening humans across the planet. Ascension Earth is fully underway as scores of seekers and lightworkers find their place in this ever evolving dynamic. Are you feeling that tug? Because thousands of us now are.
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