Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Voice - Free Preview on Goodreads

The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension

Now available for Free Preview on Goodreads through the month of January 2014:

Lightworkers everywhere are meeting online and gathering in groups to share the latest on their emerging life purpose and personal development efforts. You need not be a lightworker to enjoy the full benefits of The Voice. Personal growth enthusiasts of all types will appreciate the exploits of these characters whose sci-fi adventure requires them to deal with psychological and spiritual issues as part of their training for service on Earth in this new millennium. For lightworkers, this story relates to their promise to actualize their life mission at this point in mankind's evolution and help us all return to the Sacred. For those who identify with this mythical story, they will find a tale of personal development that reveals how being true to one's inner nature is necessary to actualize one's full potential. The Voice is both a guidebook and training manual for lightworkers and personal growth enthusiasts of all stripes. Ascension Earth is what's at stake in mankind's next evolutionary step, and The Voice teaches that the path to true inner freedom is engaged through Conscious Evolution.

The message of The Voice is here echoed in Mike Quinsey's latest post from Salusa:

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