Monday, May 6, 2013

New Age Spiritual Rockin Blues

New Age Spiritual Rockin Blues

Maurice Turmel PhD


New Age Spiritual Rockin Blues is music that touches the soul and awakens the heart while offering a contemporary modern feel. This type of Spiritual Inspiration Music moves through our Heart while guiding us to Love, Growth and a direct connection to the Divine within. Because this music touches the Heart, it stirs within us the deeper truth of whom and what we are and our purpose here on Planet Earth. We release our resistances when confronted with music that moves us at that deep emotional level. The Blues style has always been associated with Heart and Soul, because it came from the Black experience in the Southern US and was about healing the pain and suffering those repressed Americans experienced as they attempted to move from their slave status to some form of equality with their white counterparts.

It is a documented fact that Blues style music was taken up by white Americans in the 50s as the then dominant White Music Industry clearly recognized its power to move and engage people. Despite the fact that the White music industry chose to sanitize it for mass audience consumption, the approach still carried enough of that Blues flavor to excite and animate a new population of post war children. That’s when Rock and Roll (a phrase coined by Black artists in the 40s) became a mantra for a new generation, the one I grew up with, as have most North Americans in today’s over 55 population.

My songs, which are served up in this Rockin Blues fashion, come from my heart and, I believe, the Great Beyond, where New Age Spiritual Music resides. I also feel that my music comes from the very same place, emotionally speaking, that was charted by Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino, The Platters, and oh yes, Elvis, to name a few. It is this Rockin Blues Beat that I've borrowed to create the musical foundation for the messages I receive daily from my Guidance. Through my Heart and Feeling Centre is how my Higher Self encourages me to express myself poetically and through music. This is my Source of Inner Truth and what I rely on to take me through life as my contribution to this Shifting Age in human history. Who would have thought that I would be creating such music at this point in my life, now in my mid 60s? Certainly not I.

I can also assert that New Age Spiritual Rockin Blues and Psychological Development go hand in hand. They have been part of my life for over 5 decades, as the marriage of 10 years training for a PhD in Counseling Psychology and a lifelong passion for music. I recognize that these two components rely on each other to teach us about ourselves through our emotional responses. At first we are drawn in with the beat. Once we surrender to this soulful vibration, the message in the lyrics makes its way to our heart and feeling center. Because we have opened up, we can receive the song's deeper message. As we are touched, moved and swept along, we are now in a position to change our lives for the better. It is true that a lot of current music is about Anarchy and Devolution, but that is not the case with New Age Spiritual Rockin Blues. This music lifts us up. And as one recognizes the lyrical message supports the truth of one’s soul, it puts us in touch with the Divine within.

Musical vibrations engage us at a cellular level and help us open to our deepest Self. They help us feel our lives and our connection to Source at this core level of being. By following their vibrational call, they help us identify what is ours to bear, in terms of life challenges and wounds to heal, while ultimately preparing us for a life of service. New Age Spiritual Music makes it easier for us to surrender to our Inner Truth and hear our personal Guidance.

Personal and Spiritual growth is all there is you see, and Spiritual Rockin Blues can help you grow to your fullest potential. If these sounds truly resonate with your inner being then nothing can excite you more than music with a beat that is a symbol to your Soul. This music, for me, is a symbol of God’s Love that generates feelings of Gratitude, Expansion and Growth within. This Call to Awakening then presents us with the opportunity of advancing ourselves through our innermost passions and abilities. “Follow Your Bliss” Joseph Campbell has advised.

Here we can speak of Musical Bliss, which is music's power to open us up. By seeking out such music, we align ourselves with our highest vibrations. These then provide us with a view of ourselves from a different perspective, a higher perspective I would suggest. Such a view can be awesome, stupendous, and even scary - because through such a view can we see ourselves soar beyond limits imposed by our society. This brings us back to the revolutionary nature of this music, how it was born in the 40s and 50s via the Black American experience, only to be taken up by White North American kids gearing up for a revolution of their own.

When we add to this Rock’n Roll revolution the sound of a Reggae Beat, then we see another parallel to the suffering that Black American Blues showed us, but this time in the lives of repressed Jamaicans. I was introduced to Reggae in 1965 when visiting Jamaica as a young 20 year old with the Canadian Navy. It was the sounds and lyrics of Bob Marley and company that grabbed my attention then and I have been a devotee every since.

Alongside the new crop of White American Rock’n Roll Stars, there emerged another group of artists ready to blend this blues and reggae music and acknowledge their depth and feel. This was the British Invasion of the 60s and 70s, with bands such as Cream, The Rolling Stones, The Animals and The Police as examples. There were also some great White North American Blues Artists that helped bring  this music forward, (e.g. Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Jake Eells Blues Band and Dutch Mason Blues Band), but they never became mainstream like the British Rockers did.

New Age Spiritual Inspiration Music with a Rockin / Blues / Reggae feel is the path I have chosen to follow. When you listen to my songs you will also hear traces of American Country Rock like the Eagles, 1950s Country Artists such as Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash, cowboy artists like The Sons of the Pioneers and Gene Autry, and the late great Hank Williams Sr who screamed “achy breaky heart” long before Billy Rae Cyrus. This is the musical soup I have been steeped in and the foundation upon which I have grown my musical compositions as I tied them to my psychology training, professional clinical experience and personal spiritual growth efforts.

Am I a New Age Artist? Yes to that! Can I be considered a Christian artist? Some would say yes. Personally, I resonate more with Native Spirituality and their reference to The Great Creator who animates all life, including ourselves. However, there is no excluding how the Word of God presents itself to me through this music, be it Native Spirituality, Christian flavored, New Age Rockin Blues, Reggae influenced or other. I celebrate Life from the inside out and in many respects this music becomes a prayer from my Soul to God's Heart. I invite you to judge for yourself. Have a listen and tell me how you feel. The proof is in the pudding as they say, so dig in!
There are a number of music videos posted here at The Spiritual Psychologist. For my complete inventory follow the link below.


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