Thursday, February 18, 2010

Introduction to Ascension

Introducing you to Ascension Training may is akin to explaining the experience of riding roller-coasters. Until you’ve actually been on one, you can only marginally relate to the excitement and enthusiasm of a person who has just taken a ride.
Individuals who have taken the ride are very capable of describing the experience to you. They can offer numerous insights on what you can expect. But all anyone can really offer is a glimpse, and that is true of any novel experience.
I can appreciate that many of you have done a lot of work on yourself to this point. You may have been sensing that there is something in the air, something new to explore in terms of personal development. Let there be no doubt about that feeling, there is something new in the air and it is called Ascension.
Ascension, at this time in human history, means moving from 3rd dimensional density consciousness to 5th dimensional expanded consciousness where the world will appear as different as night from day. In fact you could simply describe the process as moving from Darkness to Light. That is the power of this experience.
What You Already Know:

You are likely familiar with such terms as Lightworker, Higher Self, Spiritual Development, 2012 and Ascension. You have been preparing for these times most of your adult life and now your Life Purpose is at the door. It is time to complete your mission. You may not be sure of where you are going just yet, but strong signals have been coming to you for some time now, and your Higher Self brought you here.

As you read the articles and familiarize yourself with the content of this site, you will form a view of what Ascension is. Your heart will tell you if this is the right place for you. Ascension is the final step that takes you out of 3rd dimensional consciousness into the world of 5Dth dimensional ascended consciousness where the so-called Golden Age awaits. Crossing this threshold requires the proverbial "leap to faith" that great writers and prophets have pointed to for eons. Once you commit, there is no turning back. As you engage in ascension the world of 3D conflicts hold no more appeal.

It does not matter by what route you arrived here. We can guess it has been a trying life experience for you up to this point. Life has taken you up and down many blind alleys before bringing you to this place where your only choice is "to ascend, or not ascend."

You already know what your Heart and Higher Self have to say about the different dimensions of experience you have encountered. It likely took you a long time to believe that those voices had your best interests in mind. Your ego would certainly have worked hard at dissuading you from athis awareness Time to put a lid on that ego voice. It has nothing to offer but more of the grief you have already been through.

Ascension means moving from a current base of awareness to a higher level that offers greater possibilities for growth and expansion. More than that, ascending from 3rd dimensional consciousness to 5th dimensional consciousness means finally connecting with your Soul and life purpose. Within the world of 5th dimensional consciousness, one's life purpose becomes clear, along with the parameters that support it.


We, my Ethereal Friends and I, have provided a picture of what you can expect as you move through this Ascension Training Program. Your active participation is a must for you to reap the rewards of success. Knowing you have earned your way into the 5th dimension will give you a powerful sense of accomplishment that cannot be challenged by those living in the 3rd dimension. Your heart will be at peace and you will know at the deepest level that you are Home.

Maurice Turmel PhD is a 25 year veteran therapist who currently directs programs at The Ascension Training Centre. He is a contributing writer to, a Personal Growth website. He has 4 books to his credit: 1)The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Lightworker Service; 2) Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012; 3) How to Cope with Grief and Loss; 4) Twelve Steps to Ascension.

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